Week 7

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Day 29:

Yesterday we didn't have school. Columbus Day and everything. I literally couldn't focus on anything. I almost actually committed suicide I was so bored. And today in really really tired. So yeah nothing interesting happened in math then in Latin nothing happened. Then in English we had a sub so that sucked. Then in PE I got hit in the face. Then in the head. That was actually pretty fun though. Hahahaha.

Day 30:

Hello. So we got out of school early today because we had like reditest or something for ninth grade (me). And then the tenth graders had like a ppsat and the eleventh graders had the psat I think and the twelfth graders had a meeting sort of thing 'cause it's their last year and everything. So yeah it sucked that I had a test 'cause the one we (ninth graders) took was literally this fake thing so that we just wouldn't be in the way of the sophomores and juniors. They really just needed something for us to do. Most of the teachers have different grades so they couldn't have freshmen walking around and sitting in the classes.

Yeah so when we were on the bus and it started pouring. So I was just reading on my phone and I heard yelling and I looked up and it was pouring!!!! Hahaha. And Clara was sitting next to me and she couldn't close the window! But the guy behind us got it so it was all good. But seriously it freaked out everyone. Like there was a bit of lightning and then all of a sudden it's pouring.

So yeah now I'm wearing my high waisted purple jeans 'cause I couldn't stay in my shorts. They were wet. So yeah now I'm off to make lunch 'cause I didn't eat at school. And I gotta charge my phone. 4% battery.

Oh and I'm watching Ned's Declassified. Teen nick is literally the best. I think Ned looks like Dan/danisnotonfire on YouTube. And he looks like Donna's ex-boyfriend.

Day 31:

So yes, I'm aware that no one reads this. Just thought I'd say that. I have 9 reads but this is more of a place for my to vent. It's good.

Anyway, having my period. This next week might sound bitter. Nothing. Blah. Nothing happened today. But I think I'm gonna make phone cases with artificial sea glass. Anyway have a nice day. Bye!

Day 32:

Apparently I didn't feel like writing on day 32 because it's now Saturday...but nothing happened yesterday. Oh wait stuff did. 😂😂😂

Okay so I wore grey (/gray[?]) because it was like "class colors day" or something.

Freshmen: grey (gray[?])

Sophomores: white

Juniors: black

Seniors: blue

So those were the colors we were supposed to wear. That's really the only spirit day I participated in because the others I was either unsure of what they were asking us to wear, to insecure to wear my pajamas to school, or just totally forgot. But it was so funny because there were the freshmen (me), wearing like whatever color we pleased because most of us came from the same school where weren't really supposed to breathe during pep rallies. Then the sophomores who we couldn't see because they were on the same side of the gym as us, but I assume they looked like the juniors and seniors. So the juniors and seniors were like a sea of their color. And there were like 3 people who were wearing white that were supposed to be wearing black and one of the seniors was wearing orange and they stuck out like a sour thumb. 😂😂😂

Yeah so anyway that's all but I might be getting a "new" phone because this one was loosing charge while plugged in and it had the Lightning bolt and everything. But I don't want a refurbished one which is what I'll be getting...I'm hoping that it'll be okay and it was just glitching last night/this morning. But anyway, I'm really tired because my mom and I had to go to the Verizon store 2 times and 2 different Apple stores. Ugh. So annoying how the apple stores say you need an appointment but you get a new one but the Verizon stores don't need an appointment but you get a refurbished one.

Now I'm gonna go read and watch danisnotonfire and Amazingphil and Charlieissocoollike now. Bye.

By the way, song of the week is the theme to Cheers because that's been stuck in my head. All. Week. Still is, and it's Saturday.

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