Week 30

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Day 135:

8 more weeks of school.

So today was actually a pretty good day. Math was impeccably boring, same with Latin. In English we talked about chapters 4-6 of Animal Farm. We, being about 7 of us. Including uhh...I can't remember a name. Well, Rose and Sam and I think I called her Molly? I'm not sure but she's the friend from art last year, if I ever said that. Anyway, that was sort of fun.

And before English I almost ran into someone I have math with. Literally. I almost ran into him. In my own defense, I was on the right side of the hall and he was on the wrong/left side and we were turning around the same corner.

Then in PE (yeah back to PE!!!! NO MORE HEALTH! Till next year...) we just sort of hung out which was really fun. Donna and I stole literally all of Clara's stuff. We got her shoes, earbuds, backpack, and phone. We let her keep her shorts and shirt and hair. I'm assuming also underwear, but we wouldn't have taken that. Well, or her clothes.
And then I went to my brother's lacrosse game because it's senior night and my parents anniversary (they, unknowingly, chose 4/20 as their wedding day. Yup. The drug day or whatever.) but after about 5 minutes it started pouring and then there was thunder so we left.

And I just got ready to make cupcakes before realizing that I don't know where the mixer is.

I feel so tired. Oh and I played guitar today because I was home alone.

44 days of school left.

Day 136:

actually, 41, not including today.

But maybe it could just be zero. I could end it right now. No more school for stupid little Crystal. I'd love that. To be dead and not have to do any work ever again. But I'd probably get into hell, where I would end up just living this life. Yeah, people joke about school being like hell, but they don't get it. My grades are slipping, I don't care anymore, my family doesn't try to encourage me. They just watch as my A's turn to F's.

I can't breathe normally.

I hate how girls my hight can be 115 pounds and skinnier than me. It's because they're 115 lbs of muscle and hope. And I'm 107 lbs of fat and disappointment.

I wanted to get Connor Franta's book today "A Work in Progress" but mom couldn't take me and tomorrow my brother has a lacrosse game, but I don't even think he's going to play because it's senior night and he's a sophomore. So that means that I don't get to read about how to be happy. Connor said that he wrote about body image in his book.

It came out today, by the way. That's why I wanted to get it on a random Tuesday.

But no. Instead I'm lying in bed, crying, wishing that math homework had never been invented. I can't do it.

I just can't. I have to go now, because I have math homework.

Happy Birthday, Rome!!! (4/21)

Day 137:

40 days of school. I'll probably write it when it's 30, 20, 10, and then coins down.

Anyway, after my breakdown last night, I cleared all the clothes off my bed and put the bottom sheet on it. You know, the one that goes on the mattress. And now I'm going to try and work on my room.

But school was good. I mean, as good as school can be.

Day 138:

I'm about to finish struck by lightning again. It'll be the second time I've watched it. And I have water and skittles.

I got A Work In Progress today. I hated everything. History sucked. Latin was okay. Personal finance sucked. Science sucked.

But 7 years ago today was when my grandma on my mom's side...

And it's the impossible astronaut day. The day that The Impossible Astronaut aired a few years ago. Idk how many. But I had 105 tally marks on my arms...I can't remember why ;)

No one said anything to me but I caught one kid staring at me after 2nd period when I was going to Latin and I think I saw one girl in my personal finance class look at my arms and then smile, knowing what it was.

But yeah I was kinda worried that a teacher would ask and I would have to say either "I don't remember." With a blank face or "it's a thing from Doctor Who" and they would ask me to explain it. Anyway I want to watch Struck By Lightning and then start A Work In Progress.

Tomorrow is Friday. I can do this. And then only 38 days of pain and agony.

Darn auto correct. I mean *school.

Day 139:

SOMETHING EVENTFUL HAPPENED. REALLY EFFING EVENTFUL. Maybe. Could just be a wrong number. Gods, I hope not.

So math: boring. Latin: boring. But (I don't think I said this) my Latin teacher was on the news talking about something with transgender kids and I think he supports them. He was wearing a shirt that's for gay/teams/ace aro support. So, yeah. English: fun! Our "teacher" (the student teacher that's here for about 1 more month I think) was sick so we got to do fun stuff again. Rose, Sam, Molly and I started doing the thing and then we were joined by 3 other guys. So we have to basically create America anew. Like, the government totally collapsed and so now we're in charge. Sam is our supreme dictator, Rose is the defense something, Molly is the treasurer, and I'm the head of the Propaganda Department. PE: pacer, push-ups, and volleyball.

So! The eventful thing. No, our country isn't the eventful part. So I got a text:

"Hello, I'm the doctor. I do believe my Tardis is trapped inside your filthy locker. If you don't give it back, then by Gallifrey I am going to Allons-y on over there and take it from you with my army of Daleks."

And then another:

"You have been warned."

I asked my brother, and he said he didn't know. So I posted it on my fan account on Instagram and sent it to my parents asking if they know the number and sent it to Donna, Clara and another friend to see if they recognized it. Donna said no, and then texted it. They sent the entirety of what I got, but all in one text. And Clara and our other friend didn't reply.

But yeah it's a number in my area so I'm really worried that it's a stalker...or a guy. But like, if it is, then I may have a new best friend. That would be such a cool way to get a friend. Through a prank text. But like, only if they're a freshman or sophomore. Otherwise they're scary.

Idk I want a best guy friend. Right now, my only guy friend is Sam.

So yeah I've been trying to figure this out for about 30 minutes and I gotta pee now but updates on this whovian will come.

Oh! Did I mention that they texted me while my phone was in my gym locker?

And the irony of all this: a saw a girl wearing a Doctor Who t-shirt today in PE. It was the black one with the exploding TARDIS by Vincent Van Gogh, from The Pandorica Opens. You know, that painting.

Yeah let's hope I get news on this by tonight. If not by Monday, I'll just post this and add news next week.

But I was talking about Doctor Who at the end of English and Sam and another guy heard me and responded so idk...maybe it's one of them.


No news on the text.


No news on the text. I'll just post anything else on Monday.

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