Chapter Twenty-Six - Everything Changes

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'This is a peculiar situation,' Zex though as he followed the short human female. 'No doubt these beings are humans, and if that's the case, they're far more valuable than they realize. Conflict must be scarce in this realm: she has her back completely turned to me without worry.' The assassin spirit felt the grin on his face growing wider in anticipation. 'She's far too trusting of a person she just met. I could kill her...right now.' His hand strayed inside his jacket, fingers grasping the hilt of his knife. 'In fact, I'm more than tempted to. I've never had prey this easy...'

"We're here." She stopped abruptly, turning to face him and forcing him to quickly remove his hand from his clothes.

'But I prefer a challenge.' Zex looked up at the building she had halted in front of. "This is yours?"

"This is...mine? Well, if by that you mean that I live here, then yeah, I guess." She laughed softly. "I live here with - !" The short woman cut herself off with a soft gasp, as if just realizing something. "D-do you think you can wait here? I need to, uh...put away my underwear!"

"Under...where?" He cocked his head, confused at the term as she rushed by him towards the door.

"Look, girls wear them. If guys don't, I don't wanna know that! So be right back!" Without giving him a chance to respond, the little human ran into the building without a backward glance.

He watched her go, debating with himself whether it was worth it to wait for her to come back. 'If she brings this "phone" back here, I may not get a chance to discover how she came into contact with the others. Even more, it might give them a chance to escape.'

Zex narrowed his eyes in determination as he stepped forward. 'That's a risk I am not willing to take.'

* * * * *

Emerald stood behind the couch, watching the end of the crime show with the Daemos. It was interesting to her this was one of the programs they had focused in on, but she didn't have a problem with it. Quite the opposite, in fact: something like this showed them Earth was not completely docile and held danger of its own, while also teaching them a bit about laws and punishment.

All in all, good lessons for them to pick up.

The narrator droned out his usual line to signify the show was ending. "Tune in next week. Same time, same place." As soon as he'd finished, the veteran reached down and grabbed the remote, clicking off the TV.

"Hey!" Asch cried indignantly, glaring at her. "We were going to watch the next show!"

"While I do enjoy the newfound appreciation you all seem to have developed for the culture of Earth, y'all have watched more than enough TV for now." She sniffed the air near them experimentally. "I think showers are definitely in order before the end of the day."

Rhys nodded. "I agree. While it has been enlightening to partake in these shows, we now need to draw our attention elsewhere." He looked to the veteran. "Could you please give us some privacy? I do not mean to be rude, but - "

Emerald held up a hand, stopping him short. "No, it's fine. I need to get back to work packing up in my room, anyway." She waggled the remote in her hand. "Although, I do think I'll take this with me. Just to make sure you guys don't get distracted again." With one last wave to the Daemos, she went back to her room, closing the door behind her once inside.

* * * * *

Asch glared at his advisor. "What could be so important you're making us miss 'Socky'?"

"Daemos. You need to be enthusiastic about returning, and now more than ever we need to return." Rhys shook his head.

"What makes you say that?"

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