Chapter Fourteen - How to Train Your Daemos

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*Contains multiple cuss words and some descriptions of bodily injury. Gird your loins, children!*

Mrs. Oates stood near the kitchen as she prepared to leave, facing all five Daemos. "All right, you boys. I think you're all more than capable of taking care of Ava and Emmy from this point on. Just do as I taught you every day until they get better. And make sure they get plenty of rest." She paused, a resigned smile working its way onto her face. "Especially Emmy: she can be too stubborn for her own good sometimes."

"We will make sure it happens," Asch proclaimed regally.

Rhys chuckled. "What I believe Asch is trying to say is: thank you. For all of your help."

All the Daemos knelt down on one knee in respect... except for Asch. He looked around at his knights and, letting out a sigh / eye-roll combo worthy of any angsty teen, lowered himself down as well.

"Oh, my!" Mrs. Oates was eating up all the attention eagerly. "You are all so courteous in such a way I can't describe. You all make me feel like a princess."

"Mrs. Oates?" Rhys caught the senior woman's attention gently as he and the others stood. "May I ask... how did you learn to heal humans as you do?"

She tucked her hand under her chin, lost in thought for a moment. "Hmm... well, I suppose it all started when I was a little girl. My mother would get sick very often. But no matter what, she would always get up to clean up after mine and my brothers' and sisters' messes. She hated a messy house, I'll tell you that." She sighed sadly. "Then, one day, she couldn't get up for the mess anymore. So as the older sibling, I had to step in and clean up for her. I guess you could say a tidy house kept her asleep... but a messy one kept getting her up!"

Mrs. Oates laughed at her own little joke before growing serious again. "But yes, basically that's where I learned to care for the sick." She paused again, giving the Daemos a little smirk. "Well... that and all those years of nursing I did!" More giggling. "Well, I've got to get going to Bingo Night now." She winked, blushing. "I heard there's a hot new hunk hosting the game tonight, and he's about my age. Oh, maybe I can get myself a Sugar Daddy!" The elder woman laughed happily at the thought. "See you all later," she drawled flirtatiously, turning and meandering out of the apartment.

Once she was out of earshot, Pierce turned to the others. "Did you hear that?!"

Rhys nodded. "Yes, I did."

"Mrs. Oates is gonna find a lava human?!" Noi gasped in awe.

"No, Mrs. Oates's story."

Asch nodded to Rhys. "I think I'm on the same page as you."

"You are?!" His advisor looked at him in shock.

"Hmm, yes."

"Wow, Asch is really getting smarter," Leif grinned, trying to provoke the Daemos prince.

"I've always been a wise battle tactician."

Pierce gave him a meaningful look. "Similar to your brother, I assume."

"Let's not talk about my brother..."

"Tell me what you thought of just now," Rhys prompted.

"We need to make a mess."

Noi was utterly confused. "What?"

"That's right. If we make a mess, Ava will hate it, and she'll be forced to get up!"

"Exactly," Rhys nodded in agreement. "It seems like humans have a motivation to clean."

"Will doing that really help Ava?" The smallest Daemos sounded skeptical.

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