Chapter Two - What Did You Do?!

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*Contains one mid-level cuss word. Shield your eyes, children!*

"Ava, what the hell happened?!" Emerald whispered fiercely over her shoulder. "All you had to do was take out the trash and not be late to that interview! Where did these guys come from?!"

"I don't know! I found them all in the alley by the dumpster then they grabbed me and hung me in a tree and I missed my interview and then they came back and the red one set the tree on fire and then I tried to pull off his horns, only the horns didn't come off and then I passed out and woke up here and then you came out with a baseball bat and now we're stuck here and -"

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Emerald sighed. She knew if Ava started panicking, they'd never get out of here in one piece. "Look, just calm down. I'll find a way to get you out. It looks like they're fascinated by your bra... if you throw that pan, I'll cover you while you make a break for the door."

"What about you?!"

"Hey, I've got a bat. I'll be fine." Emerald nodded towards the white-haired man. "Do you think if I smack him a bit, we could both make it?" She grinned, despite how nervous she felt. "They all seem pretty distracted. We'd have more than enough of a window to get to the stairs."

"I mean...if you're sure..."

"Trust me. Just let me hit the green one before you take off." She lowered her voice further, readying the bat in her hand. "On three. One...Two...THREE!"

At the signal, Ava chucked the frying pan as hard as she could into the group. As it happened, she landed a decent hit right on the red one's face. She took off screaming right through the middle, ignoring Emerald's advice to wait until the path was clear.

The older woman didn't have time to be disappointed as she swung the bat towards the green one's ribs. She felt it connect with something, but didn't check as she dropped it and ran after Ava as quickly as she could.

Just as she was about to round the corner, something hard collided with Emerald's back and it hurt. It knocked her down, sending her skidding into the wall near her bedroom. The back of her head bounced off the baseboard, filling her vision with stars and winding her. Her glasses flew off, sliding under the door into the laundry room. She was vaguely aware of Ava screaming her name.

"Run!" Emerald managed to yell out, shaking her head to try and clear her vision as she began to stand back up, trying to ignore the dull pain running through her side. It was then she felt something sharp against her throat.

"Don't. Move." A low, menacing warning was whispered in her ear.

Emerald froze, knowing very well she was completely at her captor's mercy at the moment. If anything, she didn't want to risk them turning their attention to Ava. If she could just keep them distracted -

"Subdue her," came another voice. "We can't risk her attracting the attention of other humans."

There was a flash of green and Emerald felt herself losing consciousness. Just before she went completely under, Ava's scream broke through her daze.


* * * * *

"Nonononono... "

Ava was gibbering, she knew that. But she also knew she'd just heard Emerald get smashed into the wall hard. As she turned to check, she was shocked to see the light-blue garbed demon right behind her. He swiftly grabbed her, pulling her towards his chest in an iron grip before turning back towards the apartment.

Ava screamed at what she saw.

Emerald appeared to be unconscious, the white-haired demon still holding one of his daggers against her throat. The dark blue demon was nearby, looking her over.

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