Chapter Nine - ...It's Worse

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As Ava slowly came to, she could hear worried voices nearby.

"Ava! Ava, my baby, wake up!"

"Pumpkin?! Devon, this isn't good! She's been passed out longer than ever before!"

"I'm gonna call 911!"

Ava coughed, forcing her eyes open. "W-wait... I don't... need - "

"Pumpkin! Are you alright?!"

Devon stopped dialing, putting his phone away. "Oh God, we were so worried about you! You weren't coming to as fast as usual!"

"I am here to help!" the waiter announced, tossing a bucket full of water at the young woman with a cry.

Ava sat up, shivering. "Ahh! Cold..."

"Oh!" he laughed nervously. "She's awake..."

"Thank you for your assistance, Marco." Andrew gave him a short nod. "Uh, we can take it from here."

"Sure, sure. Pizza's on the house for this one. Just make sure Ava's alright. Are you positive you don't want me to call you an ambulance or anything?"

Devon shook his head. "No, this is common for Ava, but thank you though."

"Alright. What should I tell her boyfriend?"

"W-wait... N-Noi?!" Ava gasped. "Where is... oh no. Where are they?!"

"Emerald took them to wait outside. Also, Ava?" Andrew leveled a serious look at her. "You've got some explaining to do."

* * * * *

Asch glared angrily at his assembled Knights. "What is wrong with all of you? What possessed you to get in my way?!"

"Oh, I don't know... maybe it's the fact that Ava is a sorcerer princess of humans!" Leif refused to back off.

"I have to admit, I was a bit caught off guard hearing that." Rhys was calm as always. "Why do you think she would hide it from us?"

"Pressure, perhaps." Asch looked thoughtful, as if he understood her situation more than he was willing to let on.


Asch laughed. "Your mission? You don't even - " He stuttered, suddenly flustered. "Wha - W-why do you care?"

"Because she's mine! This was my courting, and now you wanna take over?!"

"Noi, don't tell me you actually thought this was going to go far for you." Rhys managed to sound both mocking and sympathetic at the same time.

"I WAS GONNA MAKE IT GO FAR!"Leif barked out a mocking laugh. "Yeah, right."

"Do you think Princess Ava is okay?" Despite the protests of all the other Daemos, Pierce seemed to be the only one actually curious how the human was doing.

"I'm not sure. Her parents looked angry with us when they asked us to leave." Rhys paused, looking back towards the restaurant. Emerald was staring back at them, arms crossed over her chest. "Emerald does not appear too pleased either."

"I could've just used my magic to wake her," Leif bragged. "It worked last time."

"NO! Do you not remember - " Rhys scoffed. "Of course you don't remember." He sighed. "Ava and Emerald have constantly told us we cannot do our magic in front of the humans, or else we'll be taken to the Area 51. Remember Ava's father was about to call nine hundred and eleven warriors on us. Even Emerald panicked when she heard that order, and she is a warrior in her own right."

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