Chapter Six - Cooking, Kindness, and Picnics

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*Contains one top-tier cuss word. Shield your eyes, children!*

It was about one in the morning when Ava got the feeling she wasn't quite alone. She slowly cracked opened her eyes, only to see Rhys kneeling in front of her.

"Oh, good! You're awake!"

"No, I'm not... " she croaked out.

"But... you're talking."

"Just... what do you want?"

"Remember your promise to take us out when the sun rises."

"Is that... it?"

"I have one more important thing to tell you: remember to let the other Daemos eat ice cream as well. It's important for our research." Ava could hear the smile in his voice.

"Is that just an excuse for you to eat ice cream?"

Rhys was practically shaking with excitement. "Yes!"

"I'm... goin' back to sleep. Why don't you go bug Em about this... "

"That is an excellent idea!" Rhys got halfway to the door before he turned back. "Don't forget!" he called out excitedly as he ran from her room, heading down the hallway. As he approached, the Daemos heard an unfamiliar tapping sound which grew louder the closer he got.

The door to Emerald's room was half-open, allowing him to see inside. A small light was on at her desk, her fingers rhythmically tapping out an unknown pattern on the machine Noi had told him about. Rhys watched, entranced at how swiftly her fingers moved over the buttons.

He was so focused it took him a moment to realize the noise had stopped.

"Do you need something?" her voice called out tiredly. He then noticed that while she was wearing her 'headphones', only one side was pulled down. Her right ear (closer to the door) was uncovered.

Rhys recovered from his surprise quickly. "I was just coming to remind you of your promise to assist Ava in taking us all out tomorrow... as well as your other promise to show me this 'cooking' you described earlier."

The older woman stared at him for a moment, then turned back to her machine. "... do you have any idea what time it is? Nevermind, of course you don't." She sighed, rubbing her eyes under her glasses. "Go get some rest. And don't wake up Ava."

The Daemos slowly retreated, feeling it would be better not to let the larger female know that was exactly what he'd already done.

* * * * *

Ava awoke to the sound of something being hit repeatedly right next to her on the bed. She opened her eyes to see Leif punching her phone. "What the ffff-fudge are you doing?!"

"Trying to get the 'Leif' in your magic slab out to show him who's superior!" He continued punching her phone with renewed vigor.

"Why are you guys so dumb?! STOP PUNCHING MY PHONE!"

He gave her a defiant glare. "Make me!"

Ava grabbed her phone and shoved it down the top of her shirt to rest between her breasts.

"Uh... what is that supposed to do?"

"... make you not want to grab it from my boobs because you respect my boundaries?"

"I RESPECT NOTHING!" Leif reached forward to grab it.

"It's behind my source of power! Touch it and you DIE!"

He chuckled. "You know, I respect that you put death in all of your spells. Makes me respect you."

"Wait... you just said - "

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