Chapter Sixteen - Unexpected Training Date

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Emerald hurt.

The veteran tried not to groan out loud as she limped her way back to the apartment. She had gone for her run that morning, as she usually did... except it had been a week since the last one and she hadn't bothered to slow down. As a result, her legs felt like they were about to pop off.

'Better not let Mrs. Oates see me like this,' Emerald thought. 'Knowing her, she'll think it's from having "sexy fun times" with the Daemos.' She took a moment to fish the apartment key out of her running bag.

She had barely begun to turn the doorknob when Leif suddenly appeared next to her. "About time you got back," he purred softly, leaning in close.

"What the hell?!" The veteran threw herself back, her legs giving out under her as she tried to get some space between her and the former assassin. She started falling towards the floor when she felt someone grab her, lifting her up into the air. "Wh-what?"

Leif gave her his signature toothy grin. "Looks like you're falling for me after all," he chuckled. The white-haired Daemos carried her in, nudging the door shut behind him.

"Ugh, you wish." Emerald rolled her eyes, wincing slightly as she gave her calves an experimental flex. "Ow."

He cocked his head to one side. "You overdo it on that stupid 'run' thing you do?"

She nodded. "Serves me right for jumping right back to it instead of easing in."

Leif furrowed his eyebrows, before turning and walking through the Daemos portal.

"Whoa, where are you taking me?" Emerald glanced around in worry. This was the first time she'd been brought through the portal against her will. The realization it was Leif who was carrying her was even more concerning.

"To the sp- hot tub." He cleared his throat. "It seems to help you relax. Might help with your legs."

"Oh no, I am not getting anywhere near that thing again." She started trying to wiggle her way free. "Not after what happened last time."

"Would you just hold still?!" Leif squeezed her tighter to him as he continued walking, surprised she was actually starting to get free. "You're gonna get us both in trouble!"

That actually got her attention. "Why the hell would I be in trouble? For trespassing? Even though you're the one who brought me in here?"

He shrugged. "Unless you want to find out, I suggest you keep quiet." He took the opportunity to readjust his grip, passing through the door into the Spell Pool Room.

Emerald stared at the water with apprehension. "I'll sit on the side and put my legs in, but there's no way you're making me sit in there."

Leif seemed to consider her words, grinning after a few moments. "Works for me." He knelt down and carefully placed her on the floor before he removed her shoes and socks. Once they were off, he gently guided both legs into the water.

The veteran sighed, closing her eyes as the water hit her sore muscles. The relief only lasted a moment though, as she remembered who exactly it was sitting with her. She snapped her eyes back open, trying not to let the relief show on her face when she saw he was still reclining lazily next to her.

The former assassin must have still sensed it, because he gave her another wicked grin. "Worried I'm gonna kill ya'?"

"Not really." Emerald waved him off with a confidence she did not feel. "I know Ava's the one you're really after. Besides, if you kill me too soon, the rest of the Daemos are going to be pissed." She returned his grin. "Especially Asch."

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