chapter 6

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the New Directions POV

After glee practice we went to the Lima Bean as we walk in we see two Dalton boys, which reminds us of Kurt and there was another Dalton guy behind us. We get our coffees and we go sit down. Half way through our conversation, two of the Dalton boys were fighting as the other one sits there in shock. The guy that was behind us is Sebastian Smythe the top gay slut in Ohio.

“What have I done to you, for you to hate me?” said Sebastian

“Well clearly you don’t recognize your old best buddy” said the which we couldn’t see his face but he sounded like Kurt

“Well I have no idea what you are on about”

“Here let me help you, we were best buddies in primary until I came out, than you bullied me for being gay but what I don’t get is you are the number on gay slut in Ohio and does the named Kurt Hummel ring a bell”

Hearing him say his name put us all in shock

He turned around holding the other guys hand and started to leave and we couldn’t believe it was Kurt, we were surprise, Finn was surprise the most because he hasn’t seen and talk to Kurt in 3 days. Then Sebastian followed them out and they fight a little longer then Kurt lets go off the other guys hand and punches Sebastian in the face and left with the other guy. We were all shocked that Kurt actually did that.

“Was it me or was that actually Kurt?” Rachel was the first one to say something

“Nope that was Kurt, I just don’t know if I should tell Burt” Finn said still in shock

“It’s up to you Finn but I can’t believe that Kurt punched somebody” said Mercedes

All the other New Directions stayed in shock until Finn stand up and left the Lima Bean and drove back home.

At the Hummel-Hudson house

“Burt, can I talk to you?”

“Ya sure kiddo, what happened?”

“Today after glee practice, we went to the Lima Bean and Kurt was there with two other people from Dalton but Kurt and one of the guys were fighting, he and the other boy walked out hand in hand but the other guy followed them out and they said some more stuff and umm…… Kurt kinda…umm…… punched him in the face”

“Kurt punched some guy from Dalton but why?”

“Umm I don’t know exactly why but the guy he punched looked like Sebastian Smythe”

“That explains a lot, thank you Finn, I will talk to Kurt soon”

Back at Dalton – Blaine’s POV

“Kurt are you okay?” I was really worried about Kurt. When we got back to our dorm room he just laid there on his bed and didn’t speak at all.

“Ya I guess”

“Ok, but you can talk to me about anything Kurt”

“Thanks but I can’t really believe I did that”

I was about to say something until Kurt’s phone started to ring.

“I’m sorry I need to take this “

“Hey dad, yes I did, because I couldn’t hold it in any more, I know I don’t, yes it was Sebastian, no I’m not in trouble, his name is Blaine, he is my friend, no we are not dating” some odd reason it hurt when Kurt said that “Yes I do, ok now my turn to ask questions, first how do you know all this, I am going to kill Finn, he needs to keep out of my business, anyways I have to go it’s getting late”

“We should go to sleep Kurt”

“Ya sure”

“Good night Kurt”

“Good night Blaine”

The next morning – Kurt’s POV

I woke up first feeling happy toady i have my addition for the Warblers. I look over to Blaine; he is cute when he sleeps. I go into the bathroom to have a shower and do my hair. Once I walked out of the bathroom I noticed that Blaine was still asleep but this time you could see his bare chest, I don’t want wake him up but he has to wake up.

“Blaine it’s time to wake up” whispered Kurt

“Wake up Blaine” this time Kurt shouted

Blaine didn’t move a muscle, so I walk into the bathroom and I filled up a cup with water and walked back to Blaine and pored the water on Blaine, he woke up straight away.

“What the hell Kurt!” Blaine shouted

“Umm… you h-have to w-wake up” of course I had to stutter, so I started to leave the room

“Kurt I’m sorry, don’t leave”

“N-no it’s o-ok” I said as I walk out of our dorm room

  I was upset about how Blaine reacted, so I walked to the common room to be alone. I decided to call Rachel but then I remember that she most likely hates me, all the New Direction probably hate me as well, I was all alone. After 10 minutes of crying to myself I hear my phone ring, I look at my screen, it was Blaine, and so I answered it.

“Hello” I tried to hide the fact that I was crying

“Where are you Kurt…, wait have you been crying?”

I could not believe that he could tell I was crying.

“No, why would you think that for?”

“I can hear it in your voice, so where are you?”

“Okay I am in the common room”

“Okay I am on my why”

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