chapter 13

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At the warbler party Blaine’s POV

Everyone was singing, dancing and drinking until Jeff yell “Never have I ever time”

 We all goo and sit in a circle with 10 shots each

Jeff started

“Never have I ever pranked someone” everyone but Wes, Trent drank

“Never have I ever had sex” said Wes

Jeff, Nick, Trent, Sebastian and Thad drank

“Never have I ever kissed and dated a girl and you have to drink for each one” Nick said

Kurt, Wes, Zac, Trent, Thad, Sebastian drank

I was shocked that Kurt drank two shots

“Hold up Kurt really”



“Umm her name is Brittney, she was the blonde dancing with the male Asian in Valerie and only because I was pretending to be straight because my dad was spending more time with my step-brother Finn and ignoring me completely”

“Wow and she is pretty” everyone said

We played for another hour and then we started to play spin the bottle.

Nick and Jeff landed on each other

Wes and Trent

Sebastian and Thad

It is my turn to spin the bottle, it landed on Kurt. As Kurt and I kissed there were fireworks.

“Wow” is all we could say

Everyone keep partying for another 2 hrs

The morning after – Kurt’s POV

I was the first to wake up, I had a hangover. Everything from the night before came flooding back. Manly the kiss with Blaine. I got up to get some water and some pills for my headache. When I got back Blaine was awake.

“Morning sleeping beauty”

“Morning Kurt” Blaine said still half asleep

“How are you feeling?”

“Terrible, do you have anything I can have for my headache?”

“Ya I do, let me get some more water”

I left again to get some water for Blaine. As I was pouring the water I hear someone come in. I turn around to see who it is.

“Hello Kurt”

“Sebastian” this conversation is going to be awkward

“Do you know where Blaine is?”

“Yes I do but why do you want him for?”

“I need to talk to him”

“Ok then”

“Can you like take me to him now” Sebastian said with that stupid smirk of his

“I guess”

As we were walking, I was thinking of why Sebastian would what Blaine for.

“I’m back Blaine, but you have a visitor”

“Ok, who is it”


“Oh umm ok” Blaine said uncomfortable

“Hello Blaine” Sebastian said walking past me

“Hello Sebastian, what do you want?”



“I will get you”

“Now you want Sebastian because I hate you and I like someone else and presides you had me and you lost me, so goodbye Sebastian”

Sebastian left our dorm room

“Are you okay Blaine?”

“I guess but he will never learn will he?”

“No because he is one of those guys”

“Ya anyway can I have that water you bring me”

“Sure and take these it will help”

“Thanks Kurt, you know you’re the best right?”

“I do now”

“How are you Kurt, with what happened yesterday”

“I’m fine I guess”

“Really Kurt, are you sure?”

“No, seeing them again, all happy kinda hurt, I am happy that they are happy and all but it looked like they have forgotten me”

“How could they forget you?”

“No I mean they just see me as someone they used to know. Just because I left” I said, iam in ties now

“Oh Kurt” Blaine gets of his bed, and came an sat next to me and gave me a hug

We sat there for a long time, of Blaine holding me as I cried. We didn’t break apart until there was a knock on the door. As Blaine went to answer the door, I walked to the bathroom so the person at the door won’t see me.  



last night i created a new fanfiction, i would love it if you all went and check it out.

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