chapter 16

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We walk down the stairs into the dining room; there was Finn and Rachel sitting at the table. Dad comes from the kitchen, which is where Carole is; Blaine and I walk into the kitchen to see if Carole wants any help.

“Hey Carole, this is Blaine”

“Hey Blaine”

“Do you want help?”

“Yes can you guys, do the salad”

“Sure thing”

We did the salad and we put everything on the table and we sat down. We got a look from Rachel and Finn. Blaine grabs my hand under the table to comfort me.

“So Kurt how’s Dalton” my dad asked

“It’s good, I like being on the Warblers and I have Blaine as my roommate”

“That’s good” Finn said not looking at me

The rest of the time, we stayed quit. After dinner Blaine and I went back to my room.

“How are you Kurt?” Blaine asked me once I sat down on my bed

“I’m fine but that was the most awkward dinner I have ever had”

“Ya, it was awkward”

“Ya but I think my dad likes you”

“Really you think?”

“Ya I do”

Just then there was a knock on my door, I was afraid of who was on the over side of the door, it could be my dad or Finchel.

“Come in” my dad came in    

“What’s up dad?”

“Nothing much, just saying good night Kiddo”

“Night dad”

“Night Blaine and no funny business”

“Ya sure dad”

My dad left after that but soon after Finchel came in.

“Hey Kurt and Blaine” Finchel said

“Hey” Blaine said

I couldn’t speak, I think Blaine picked up on that because he made sit down and talked for me.

“What do you want?”

“We want to talk to Kurt”

“Well if you can’t tell Kurt doesn’t want to talk”

“Well he is my brother and Rachel’s friend so he has to talk to us and we don’t have to listen to you”

“Why because I am not related to you or because I’m not friends with you but guess what I’m his boyfriend which means I could one day become part of this family and I am looking out for him because I care for him”

“Umm….umm….okay” with that they left and Blaine sat down next to me

“I shouldn’t have said that”

“Hey, it’s alright”

“Really, you showed them what I was thinking anyways”

“Really, I said what you were thinking”


“Okay, well we should get ready for bed”

“Ya we should”

After getting changed we got into bed. Blaine and I cuddled, until we fell asleep.

The next day – Blaine’s POV

I was the first one to wake up Kurt and I are still holding each other, I looked down at Kurt. He has a smile on his face. Kurt started to wake up.

“Hey, how did you sleep?”

“Good, you?”

“Good but what were you dreaming about”


“Really, what about us?”

“The Future but you don’t get any more details”


“Because I don’t want to jinx it”


“We should get out of bed”

“Yes we should”

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