me and you : 23

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Jeff had been getting used to his body, every morning he'd wake up looking like the Jeff he was before the whole dying min the woods incident. Slenderman never pushed or forced Jeff to remember, he was patient and was willing to wait an eternity for his Jeff to return. It was 2 in the morning when everyone heard jeff screaming in pain, they ran to him afraid of what was happening to him only to see that his face had been splitting into a smile, Jeff's appearance was coming in nicely, hypnotic said that once they get their appearance back it would be fine to help jog his memory. Blood had stained the floor as Jeff's face had made itself a permanent smile soon the once pale, delicate face. Jeff had gone limp from the pain, luckily be had him before he had fallen to the ground, everyone hated seeing him in pain but they knew it was almost over.
Ten hours later
"So jeff, do you remember us?" Ej asked, jeff squinting his eyes a bit to get a better look at all of them, "I remember that I had fought you" jeff said to ej, he then looked at the others, suddenly it all came back to him once slenderman had entered, he remembered everything as if he had been a dream. He felt his eyes grow wet, he just realized that he had eyelids again, he quickly gave everyone hugs and then he turned towards slenderman smirking. "Daddy, jeff remembers us" sally exclaimed barely sitting down. Slenderman turned towards jeff hugging only to hear jeff scream. "You made me this way, monster" jeff said stepping back, slenderman had backed away feeling broken until he felt a warm hand grab his. "But that's why I love you" jeff said Barely able to stop himself from laughing. Slenderman cried, holding jeff tightly, nothing was going to take jeff away from him, jeff was his own person and not a prize to be called his, he was his friend, his colleague and a lover. With Jeff back at his side nothing stood between them, and within 3 years slenderman had asked jeff to marry him, spending years together, jeff and slenderman had adopted a boy who they found nearly beaten to death by his now dead parents. They watched as their son grow up to be a very capable young man. And with that jeff and slenderman had spent the rest of their lives together forever in life and in death, and even beyond the grave returning every halloween night, where all the ghouls and monsters were aloud to be out and free.
And they lived happily ever after

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