Jeff's Drunk actions:10

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Poor Slenderman, how could he have jumped to conclusions, LJ is straight for crying out loud Slenderman thought, he wasn't paying much attention while he was walking and accidentally bumped into Jeff. "Hello Jeffrey, what brings you to be out of your room at such a late hour" slender asked while looking at the clock. Jeff looked at slender, Slenderman suddenly smelled alcohol in the air. Wanting to know where it was coming from, he sniffed Jeff and his question was answered. "Have you been drinking?!" Slender asked out of concern. Jeff shot slender a look which any person would know, his look said "stay out of my fucking business old man". Slenderman shaking his head, told Jeff to go to his room. Jeff wrapped his arms around slender, smiling seductively, (well more so than he already was) "why don't come with me?" Jeff said most likely not even aware of his drunken state. Slender taken aback by this stood there, Jeff then kissed Slenderman where his lips would be if he had any. Slender felt heat rush to his non existent face. Jeff pressed his body against Slender's grinding against him. Slenderman tried to fight off the feeling he was getting from this. Slender couldn't help himself, he put his hands around Jeff's waist, pushing him against himself even more. And soon they found each other in Slenderman's room, on his bed.

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