Jeff's return: 21

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As time passed by, a letter from Jeff was sent to the slender mansion everyday, however, today's letter was a bit odd, it was addressed to Slenderman but something about it was off,  it said "dear slenderman, during the time I've been gone I have decided that you should move on and find someone new, perhaps Jane, or Jill, I won't be writing another letter for at least a week, please find comfort and maybe even more with Jane or Jill or anyone you choose to
fall for. Sincerely Jeffery" Slenderman knew something was different about these letters and went to someone who spent more time with Jeff than anyone, Sally. Slenderman showed Sally the letter and her face gave slenderman the answer that he wanted, Jeff didn't write this letter. Sally asked slenderman to bring all the letters that "Jeff" had written, to her dismay, Jeff didn't write them either. Slenderman of course asked her how she could tell and she said that her and Jeff had written bedtime stories for herself, after telling slenderman she got a up to show slenderman a story Jeff had written for her. The handwriting was different from the letters, Jeff's hand writing was a bit sloppy and the handwriting on the letters were neat and in cursive. Slenderman was now worried it has been half a year now that he's been getting the letters and now he knows that they weren't even written by Jeff himself. Slenderman was now overflowing with panic but he knew who had written the letters, only one other person knew where slender mansion was, Jane, slenderman knew it was Jane because one, Jeff would never bring up Jane in anything to do with slenderman moving on. Slenderman also knew that no matter what, Jeff would never use the name Jeffery, he knew it was Jane because she also knew that Jeff's real name was Jeffery, nobody but slenderman and Jane knew Jeff's name. Becoming enraged, slenderman ordered hoodie and masky to capture Jane and bring her to the old slender home, the cabin.  Slenderman only used that place as a place to torture people and to feed seed eater. It was three days after Slenderman got the letter that they had found Jane, masky knocked her out with a crowbar, hoodie cussed him out because he had busted her head open getting blood everywhere. " What the fuck masky, we were supposed to get her without causing damage, well at least as little to no damage, you fucking cracked her head open like a god damn egg!" Hoodie said whisper yelling. "Okay genius, what was I supposed to do, sing her a fucking lullaby?! We got her so drop it, you know what will happen if we're late" masky said tying up Jane's hands and feet. They put her in the trunk of their car and drove to the cabin. After three hours Jane had woken up strapped to a chair with the smell of rotting flesh in the air. Masky walked inside with slenderman, EJ and seed eater at his sides. "Jane, you either tell me where Jeff is or else" slenderman said, his tendrils shooting out getting ready to rip her limb from limb. Jane's expression was hidden by her mask, it look like masky' s mask just a bit more feminine. Masky slammed his crowbar into her face knocking off her mask revealing her features. Her green eyes were wet with tears, her jaw was broken because of masky, EJ walked towards her and snapped it back in place in a very painful way. "tell slenderman where Jeff is or I'll beat the living shit out of ya and trust me, you don't want me to, I've got a thing for beating people, especially women, to death" masky said, you could tell he was smiling even behind his mask. Jane's mouth was full of blood and spat it out on masky. " why you, fucking bitch!" Masky yelled walking towards her ready to swing, E.J held him back. "Jane, this is your last chance" EJ said warning her. Jane looked and EJ, " fuck you all, I ain't telling you shit" she said smirked slenderman look at EJ and masky and nodded, once he left, masky and EJ went towards her holding their choice of weapons. The cabin was full of screaming and laughing, " you know something, I never w meanted to beat anyone as much as I want to beat you" EJ said laughing. Jane was gasping for air, her ribcage was broken, she lost 6 of her teeth. Slenderman came back inside grabbing Jane by her hair. "Tell me where Jeff is or so help me im-" slenderman was cut off by Jane crying. "He's in the abandoned bear cave, he's there, please stop, let me live!" She screamed and cried. Masky knocked her out. 7 hours of walking and they had found the cave but the air surrounding the cave was putrid.  " You don't think..." EJ trailed off once they were inside, they all stopped when they saw Jeff's decaying body, his body was a green-ish gray, his insides were gone, his eyes and hair were gone. Masky and EJ had thrown up, of course they've seen dead bodies but not in this state. Slenderman screamed in saddness and anger. Slenderman picked up Jeff's body and carried him back to the cabin, slenderman knew of only one way to bring back Jeff and it would be very enjoyable for him to so.

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