The Change:1

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The Hospital

"Mom, where's Jeff?" Lui asks, his mother grabbed his arm pulling him into the emergency room, soon they were at Jeff's door. "Lui, before we go in there, i need to tell you what happened" his mother says. "What do you mean, what happened, is he okay!?!" Lui asks panicking. " Well.....he was set on fire" his mother says. "WHAT!?!?!?" Liu asks scared, Lui didn't give his mother anytime to reply before he bursts into Jeff's room. Lui quickly ran to his brother's side, falling to his knees. "My little brother was BURNED ALIVE!!!! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING, WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM!?!?!?" Lui yells as he clutches his brother's hand holding it close to his heart. Tears rolled down his face as he looked at his brother, Jeff's face was wrapped up in bandages. Suddenly Jeff's body twitched, Lui looked at Jeff, Jeff sat up. "Mmmm, mhhhmm!?!" Jeff mumbled, Lui hugged his brother, Jeff has been in a coma for about 6 months. "N-nurse, i need a nurse!" Their mother yells. Quickly a nurse comes in, "oh, looks like your up, we can remove the bandages" the nurse says smiling. Jeff's father couldn't be here do to the fact he was drunk, after Jeff was set on fire and put in to the hospital, Jeff's father drank his pain away. "Okay, now hold still" the nurse says, after 3 minutes all the bandiges were gone. Jeff was eager to see what he looked like, Lui however was scared, the nurse left the room with Jeff's bandiges. Lui stood up shocked at his brother's looks, his eyes grew wide with shock. "Whats wrong?" Jeff's asks, he quickly gets up and runs to the mirror on the wall. Jeff's eyes grew wide "it's not that bad honey" his mother told him. "It's perfect, simply perfect" Jeff says smiling, but this smile shook his mother, it's made her feel uncomfortable, Jeff turned to his brother and hugged him. Lui quickly hugged backed and spun his brother around. He sat Jeff back down, his brother skin is now pale white and rough but could easily be fixed with lotion, he hair is now pitch black. Lui thought it made his brother look cuter. Jeff's big blue eyes stared in wonder. Jeff started laughing sweetly as he looked at himself in the mirror amazed by how he looked, his mother thought it was creepy that her son looked like that, Lui didn't care what his brother looked like, Lui would always love his brother no matter what he looked like or how he acted. His mother got a doctor, when she told the doctor what was wrong, the doctor got pissed, the boy now finally wakes up and Jeff was happy that he didn't look to different, Jeff was lucky to be alive. The doctor quickly hid his anger, "it's perfectly normal, i mean he just woke up, he's lucky to be alive" the doctor says. Lui overheard "what do you mean" Lui asks, Jeff looks at the doctor. "If Jeff was rushed to the hospital, another minute or two he would be dead" the doctor says looking at Jeff. Lui hugged his brother tightly , scared that if he didn't, God would take him away.
(At Home)
"Honey, guess can who's here?" Lui's and Jeff's mom calls out. "Who?" There father replied as if he had been crying for days. He walks into the kitchen and sees Jeff smiling at him. He quickly ran towards his son and broke down it tears hugging him as if he would die if he didn't. However their mother didn't really care, she hated Jeff, Lui and his father were the only two people in that house that loved him. Their mom went to the counter and made supper, "how do you feel?" Jeff's father asks. "hungry and bored" Lui laughed, so did there father he smelled of alcohol and tears. "Go take a shower Jeff, you smell" his mother says, Jeff smelled himself, he smelled faintly like alcohol, bleach and burned cloth. Jeff Ran upstairs to take a shower. "Mum, that was mean" Lui says setting the table,his father went to his room to shower. 10 minutes later both Jeff and his father came downstairs cleaned up and dressed in better clothes. Lui smelled something sweet he looked at his brother and sniffed his hair, he began laughing. "What's wrong" Jeff asked confused, "Jeff haha you smell like a girl, hahaha you used our mom's shampoo and conditioner" Lui says still laughing. Jeff's face became flushed, their father laughed a little but he didn't mind, he did it to, 6 times. Their mom glared at Jeff but stop, she put their dinner on the table. "Eat up" their mother said.

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