oh no: 11

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Here we continue, slendy and Jeff on Slender's  bed, making out. Slender's pants becoming rather tight, more so than usual. Even though Slender enjoyed this, more so than he should, he knew it was wrong. Slender, in his mind, believed he was taking advantage of Jeff, do to his drunken state. Slender recollected his thoughts and stopped Jeff. "What's wrong *hic* isn't this what you *hic* wanted?" Jeff asked, slender sighed and looked at him. "There is nothing more that I want more than you, but I can't, it's wrong, you're drunk, and if we continue it'll mean nothing. You won't remember it at all, I want This to be be special, where we can both look at each other knowing what we did without regrets, I'm sorry Jeffery, but I have to ask you to please leave my room immediately" Slenderman said sternly. Jeff in a rather angry and irritated state, replied irrationally "you can't tell me what to do, I'm leaving, DON'T YOU EVER TRY TO TOUCH OR TALK TO ME AGAIN, I HATE YOU!" And with that, Jeff stormed out of the room, leaving Slenderman stunned and rather taken aback. Slender sighed, why must Jeffery be this way, all I do is be nice to him, show kindness and what do I get, I get an angry Jeffery. Slender shook off the thought and headed downstairs, he needed someone or something to talk to. As he walked, he once again, bumped into another person, it was Eyeless Jack, Jack looked at him and sort of smiled. "Trouble in paradise I presume" EJ said rather jokingly. Slender couldn't help himself, he laughed a little. "If only you knew the half of it" slender said, enjoing EJ's company. "I just assumed since I heard "wanna be emo" yell at someone, then to my surprise, you come out, a little while after he did" EJ said quite frankly. Slender couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Jeffery being a wanna be emo. "You always know how to cheer me up, even if it isn't intentional" slender said, "well thanks, anyway, do you want to talk about it?" EJ replied "you know I would love to but I think I want to talk to someone who can actually help and not just make jokes, so I'm sorry but I got to go I will try to talk to you later on, so please keep that in mind, until then I'm sorry I'll meet with you soon" slender said, EJ nodded as they parted ways. "Hello father where are you off to may I ask "Sally said. "My  sweet child, I'm sorry but I'm dealing with some rather difficult issues right now, if you want, I can take you outside so we can play but I find that right now, I'm quite busy and I got a lot of stuff to get off my chest, if I do remember, I will play with you, how about until then, you go and find someone and play hide and seek, I know you love that game and I know that you love the things that come afterwards but please remember to take seedeater with you, you need someone to destroy the evidence of what you have done, till then good-bye you can always come and get me if needed bye my Sweet child" slender said, then he left. Sally did what slender had suggested, and went to find a person to play hide and seek, little does that person know, they'll be dead once the game has begun.

Slenderman X JeffWhere stories live. Discover now