what the fuck Lui : 18

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After catching up with his brother, Jeff, Lui smiled "so what are you going to do now that you're away from Slenderman" Lui asked his brother. Jeff stopped in his tracks "what the fuck is wrong with you! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, COMING INTO MY HOME, TELLING ME ALL THIS, RUINING THE LITTLE HAPPINESS I HAVE EVER HAD!?" Cried Jeff, Lui couldn't believe what Jeff was saying "who do I think I am? I FUCKING SAVED YOUR ASS, YOU FUCK! I GOT YOU OUT OF THERE BEFORE YOU COULD GET HURT!" Lui cried back. They started pushing each other, then punching one another, soon enough both of them were on the ground pulling, punching, kicking and biting one another. "I never wanted to lose you Jeff, when you ran away I thought I had lost you for good but here you are, you're still my brother" Lui said, "but-" Jeff was cutoff, "both mom and dad are dead, I should have been dead but I'm not, I have a purpose, every night I prayed that you were alright, that you weren't hurt, and look, here you are, alive as if nothing has changed" Lui said smiling at his brother. Jeff looked at Lui then turned away from him. "Look at me Lui, I'm already hurt, you say you prayed for my safety and yet I ended up here. You say you care about me when actually you only care about yourself. You say nothing has changed, take a long look at me and what I've done ever since I killed mom and dad. You've already lost me Lui......I'm not your brother anymore......." Jeff said walking away into the woods leaving a stunned, heartbroken Lui behind.

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