The Change:2

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After dinner Jeff went to the living room to watch t.v but he cought a glimpse of something outside. It frightened Jeff, it was tall, pale, and wearing a black suit. Jeff didn't know what to do so he quickly closed the curtains. Jeff turned the t.v on but something wasn't right with him, something inside of him was coming out, taking over him. It was Jeff's insanity, but after 3 minutes it took control of him, kill them, kill them all kept replaying in Jeff's mind, getting louder and louder. Jeff went to the kitchen and grabbed a lighter and a knife, he walked upstairs to the bathroom and put the lighter on the sink, he grabbed the knife and stuck it in his mouth. He smiled as he cut his mouth, he screamed in agony but he didn't stop. He pulled the knife out of his mouth he stopped smiling, his cheeks had 2 deep gashes connecting to his mouth. he breathed deeply as his blood made big puddles in the sink and floor. He grabbed the lighter pulled on one of his eyelids, he lit the lighter and burned his eyelid off, then he did another after another. 3 minutes had passed and Jeff no longer had eyelids. He looked in the mirror, the pain he was feeling was making him shake, tears rolled down his face, it stung the fresh cuts on both of his cheeks. Jeff's mother heard noises coming from the bathroom and got out of the bed. Once she was at the bathroom she stared at what was in front of her, her son destroyed his face, stained the floor and sink with blood. "Like it mommy, aren't i beautiful?" Jeff says staring at his mother. "Yes honey, you simply look beautiful, let me get your father so he could see" she says scared, she quickly walks to her room, "babe get up, it's Jeff, he went insane, quickly get your gun" she says as she tries to get her husband up. He woke up, " you lied mommy, now your gonna pay" Jeff says as he runs towards his mom and dad and stabs them both. He dug deep into his mother and carved her heart out. His father However, Jeff closed his eyes and slit his throat, once his father was dead, he kissed his father's head and left their room. He went to Lui's room and sat on his bed, Jeff left the door open up a little. "Hmm, Jeff why are you in my room, it's 2 in the morning" Lui says trying to wake up. Jeff cared about his brother a lot but couldn't stop "shhhh, i just wanted to talk to you" Jeff says holding the knife behind his back. Lui saw a glimpse of Jeff's face " what did you do to your beautiful face?" Lui asks fully awake but he caught a glimpse of Jeff's clothes and the shine of the knife behind his brother's back. "Jeff, what happened to mom and dad" he asked his brother. "Oh, they're dead" Jeff says smiling, Lui was shocked, he tried to get up but Jeff stopped him, "ohhhh brother, don't you wanna leave and have better life with mum and dad?" Jeff says smiling like a mad man, "jeff-" Lui was cut off because Jeff had slit throat, arms, face, and torso. "Go to sleep brother" Jeff's says as Lui slips away. Jeff called the cops and left, he hid behind some trees and watched in amusement as cops, and doctors ran inside the house, pulling 3 bodies out. Jeff did leave a message on the mirror in the bathroom, he wrote "aren't i beautiful" in his own blood. Jeff walked down the streets bored, he wanted to kill again, he was only 16. Soon he came to his brother's girlfriend's house and screams were all you could hear then silence.
2 years later
"Police have been looking for this mass murder, killing hundreds, men, women, and children, this man had survived one of that psychopath's attacks, sir could you tell us what Happened?" The news lady says, the man looked as if he had been thrown out of a window. " Well it was about a week ago but i still remember it like it was yesterday, i was going to my room to sleep, i got in bed and closed my eyes but i couldn't go to bed, i felt someone watching me, so i said go away and that's when it happened, the man said go to sleep but not in a nice way, it sounded twisted and evil, it shook me. I looked around my room till my eyes landed on a boy maybe in his teens, he was pale white as if he was bleached and he had black hair, his face is burned into memory, his eyes, he had no eyelids, his mouth was cut into a big smile, he tried to kill me" the man says. The woman looking terrified began to shake "w-well there you have it, thank you for tuning in for weather news channel 99" the woman says. "Boooring, oh well at least i know where he lives, i can finish what i started, or i could let him live, hmm, nope, but I'll do it tonight" Jeff says as he go to the kitchen to clean his knife.

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