A Dark Night:3

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Jeff was walking to the man's house to finish what he started, Jeff looked around, once he saw the house coming into sight, he ran to it. He unlocked the door and quietly checked all the rooms but they were empty he was about to leave till he  saw a glimmer of light, he walked inside but stopped when he saw a guy on top of the man he went to kill.  But the guy did something Jeff didn't think he would do, the guy was cutting out his kidneys then he got up, then the saw the guy he went to kill die. Enraged, Jeff attacked him, the guy looked at him, Jeff stopped, the guy was wearing a blue mask with black eyes, and black liquid leaking out of the eye holes. "Oh, you must be Jeff, i must say i didn't expect a kid, and what are you wearing" the masked guy says pointing his blade at Jeff.  "What did you say?!" Jeff says in anger, "the names Eyeless Jack, but it's like you'll live long enough to say it" E.J says as he lunges at Jeff trying to stab him, Jeff dodged it but not quick enough, E.J's blade had pierced Jeff's arm, slicing it open. Jeff stumbled back holding on to his arm, E.J started laughing "wow your weak, i barely even touched you" E.J says pointing and laughing which wasn't a good idea, Jeff had stabbed E.J in the face, he went down screaming. "You little I'll-"  was all he could say. "Enough! I believe i have found a new proxy" a tall, white, faceless man said. Jeff stared in shock, this was the thing he saw 2 years ago. "Remember me Jeffery" the man said, Jeff looked paler than usual, he felt a sickness rising up inside him, Jeff ran out of the room and straight to the bathroom, he threw up. " Wow, what a chicken huh" E.J says as he looks at the faceless man, the man Suddenly grew tentacles and wrapped 2 around E.j's throat and lifted him off the ground, strangling him. The man let go of him to the bathroom to see what was wrong with the boy, and to his surprise he saw the boy throwing up in the toilet. "Did i scare you that bad" the man says. Jeff gave him an irritated look but he looked like he was smiling, "don't you remember me, you closed the curtains on me" he asked again, Jeff flushed the toilet and grabbed the mouthwash that was in the cabinet, once his teeth and breathe was clean he looked at the man. "Yeah i remember you, what the fuck do you want" Jeff asks trying to sound not frightened. God why is he so creepy Jeff thought, "I'm not that creepy Jeffery, and because i saw what you did and you were in front of me when you hid behind the trees" the man said, Jeff then fainted, the man had caught Jeff in his arms. He walked towards E.J and they both left.

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