Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter

Sweet Like Lollipops
Point of view :

I watch amusingly as Will almost stumbles and avoids his face being planted into the dirty brown concrete

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I watch amusingly as Will almost stumbles and avoids his face being planted into the dirty brown concrete. It doesn't stop him from continuing to bark out his loud and slightly obnoxious laugh.

His sudden burst is all because he witnessed Ian have a fright from a little girl who jumped out of nowhere and wrapped her little arms around his legs. His face paled immediately and he held his arms up like he had no clue what to do with the child.

Ian's wide eyes had glanced between myself, Will, and Jake in a silent plead for help. Jake helped him peel the small girl off him, and William laughed loudly.

The little girl had screamed aloud and cried out her apology because she thought Ian was her older brother that somehow lost her in the store. Will apparently thought that Ian's reaction was the most hilarious thing of all, so I had to volunteer myself to guide the young girl to the service counter so they could find her brother.

Now, almost ten minutes later, the blond has yet to stop laughing as he mimics Ian all the way to the car. I'm starting to think he is just enjoying the time with us three boys too much.

Chuck had to work this morning, so he isn't a part of our adventure to the mall. There was no real motive to coming here, since all we did was roam around countless stores and talk. The boys had only bought some new clothes and other pointless items, while I only walked away with buying a packet of jolly ranchers and a large and fluffy throw blanket since Lolita's last one was accidentally ripped when she fought William for it.

He had stolen it from her bed to curl up on the sofa with it, and I witnessed her march in and demand it back by tugging it. It tore open right in the middle, yet she still uses it since its her favourite. So, when I saw the exact same one in a store window, I had to get it to replace her one.

"Chuck's on his way over to the apartment, so he'll meet us there." Will finally sobers from his laughter when he climbs into the drivers seat. Jake sits in the front, so Ian and I cram in the back.

Lolita had spent the night at her dad's house to play an intense game of monopoly, as she told me. I had been messaging her to see how she was and how her game was going- sadly her dad had sent her bankrupt in the game. She had told me that she was back at her apartment around half an hour ago.

"Can we stop and get some fast food on the way back?" Jake asks Will when he drives out of the mall parking lot.

"Nope." The blond driver smirks, clearly showing his dislike for places like junk food. He rarely would eat in the college cafeteria- he would pack a lunch for himself, and Lolita.

The only take away he would allow him and my girlfriend to eat is Chinese or pizza. It makes me smile at how after all this time, he still is protective over what she eats and continues to act like a parent to her. He cooks everything. I have dinner with them every night.

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