Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

            Lacewood High smells like bad dreams and endless nights

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Lacewood High smells like bad dreams and endless nights. No matter how nice of a day it is, you can always taste the foulness of people. They hover around like shadows- impossibly to get rid off unless you're in the dark.

"I don't know if it's a good, or bad thing we haven't seen Hunter today." Jake runs a hand through his hair while we walk out of class.

"It's a good thing because it means we don't have to tolerate him." I adjust the heavy stack of textbooks in my hands. I rarely need them in class, but they're mandatory.

"What did he even say to you?" William asks me since he'd been silently trailing with us to head to the main hall of lockers.

I wish I could forget everything that happened. The milkshake bought me pride, but I feared consequences. My method is that when things get bad, don't think about it. Act like it isn't there, and it'll go away.

It's a terrible attempt to conceal my problems that need dealing, but it is a temporary assistance.

"It doesn't matter. It's been and gone." I turn to my locker once we reach it and take a breath to attempt to flush away my thoughts.

My fingers grip the handle of my locker with too much force than usual. Knuckles white when they start to ache. I let it go after opening it and toss the textbooks in. I don't care how trashed my locker is.

"Woah, what's up with you?" Jake asks me while leaning against the red lockers. William is placing his books in his which only happens to be a few down from mine, and he is oblivious to the conversation taking place here.

Sometimes he locks himself in his own little world where he feels like he can have moments of freedom. Stuck in his mind. He could be surrounded by people, but not be mentally here with them. It is his way of breathing fresh air.

My fingers comb through my knotted hair, trying to make it more presentable. Second period only had just ended, and here I am, already playing with my hair in a frustrated habit. I hate school.

"I'm still mad at Hunter. The thought of him alone angers me." Everything starts to pour out of me. "And I have my first check up today back at the hospital. I don't want to worry William with my nerves for going back there, because he thinks I've done so well with recovery. Everyone thinks I've healed from that place."

Both the physical place of the hospital, and the place of my mind.

"Have you healed though? Do you believe you have?" My stare turns away from Jake when the question weighs heavy on me.

"I don't know. The thought of going back there, even just for a few minutes, terrifies me." My hands tremble at the images of what my room there looked like, so I tuck them under my arms to stop.

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