Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

            I survived Friday, not matter how brutal it was when Mia's words haunted my mind for the rest of the day

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I survived Friday, not matter how brutal it was when Mia's words haunted my mind for the rest of the day.

For the remainder of the school day- William, Jake, and surprisingly Hunter, had followed me around seemed cautious with their words around me. They continued saying encouraging things in hopes I'd crack a smile.

Most of their compliments and speeches went through one ear, and out the other. I barely remember what they said.

I tried my best to stay strong and be the person I've always wanted to be. It's easier said than done. Whenever I sat in class- I thought about the day my head was spinning and everything turned to a blur.

The day I passed out in class because I had gone too far with my disorder. Mia hoped that it was me dying. I'm sure many others did too.

When I got home that day, I told William everything in detail that Mia had said. I ranted about the control she has over the cheer girls, how she treats them, any everything she thinks of me.

My best friend wasn't happy. He'd seen her over the years bully other students, but she only targeted me when he wasn't around. It made him mad. That she purposely picked times to say hurtful things when he isn't around.

William sat still and let me ramble on, and on for what felt like hours until I was so tired that I wanted to curl into bed. Minutes later I heard him storm over to Hunter's. I knew he had gone on his own rant about Mia to him.

Then once he returned to the apartment, I heard him cursing and yelling on the phone to Jake about Mia, and me.

William loves to gossip. He and Jake share everything together. It's odd knowing that Hunter is a new edition, but it seems like it's something I'll have to get use to.

I appreciate his protectiveness that my best friend shields me with, but hearing him loss control on his rage for me burnt holes in my chest.

I'm thankful that I met William when I was so young. I'd be lost without him. Not only does he act like an overprotective dad, but also like a gossiping mother, and a fun brother. He is everyone in life I needed, and more.

Today is Saturday, and he has organised for us and Jake to go out and have fun. At first I was hesitant given yesterday, but I caved in to his pleads and puppy dog eyes.

I change into a pair of black skinny jeans, an oversized white jumper, with a denim jacket tied around my waist. I at least want to be comfortable today. I had no energy to getting dressed up.

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