Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Although the hospital was a terrifying place soaked with heavy memories, high school is a different kind of nightmare

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Although the hospital was a terrifying place soaked with heavy memories, high school is a different kind of nightmare.

"I think this place is worse than the ward ever was." I'm still sitting in the safety of William's car, yet I feel as if I'm being trampled in the halls already.

"You've got us with you, nothing is going to happen because we won't let it." Hunter tells me, leaning forward from the backseat so he's between William and I. Since we all live in the same building, it was easier to carpool- especially on my first day back.

"Don't tell me that. Tell that to my anxiety." After Willian, Chuck, and Hunter coming clean about the chaos that had been running wild in Lacewood, I wasn't keen on going anywhere. Deep down, I am frightened, but I can't let it eat the confidence I'm still building.

The two boys get of the car, so I copy their actions despite my gut that begs for me to stay in the car. If I could, I would steal the keys and drive myself out of here like a mad women.

"You'll be fine." Hunter reassures me as he adjusts his backpack. William nods in agreement and he looks back at the two of us. He was waiting for me to follow, but I'm stuck in my spot.

Hunter takes my hand in his to firmly weave his fingers through mine. He finally forces my feet take their first steps towards the brick building. I have to cave in, knowing I can't get out of it no matter how fast I would be willing to run.

"I really don't like this." I mutter while we get closer to the front doors. The ache in my stomach grows more painful and unsteady. My grip on Hunter's hand tightens more when some students in my year turn their heads to stare at me.

I feel sick.
Awfully sick.

I can tell some are judging me as if I am a poorly raised child, and some others seemed interested that none of the crazy stories are true.

"The Lacewood rumour mill hasn't been the kindest with you gone. People started making up their own tales about why you had left. It's been so boring here that it became the only source of entertainment for them."

Hunter explains this to me, and I wasn't surprised since he said something about it when I was in hospital.

The three of us walk through the main doors and back into the crowded hall where a sea of students are swarmed. My eyes roam over the students that had been engaged in a conversations- some stop to angle their heads towards where I am walking.

There's whispers that start, but I hear them. "You owe me fifty dollars, told you she'd walk out of there alive again." I swallow anxiously and pretend like I hadn't heard it.

"Woah, she really does look the same as she did last time." I tell myself that these people have nothing better to do. They don't mean it. If they were in my shoes, it would be a different story.

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