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IT TOOK ME TWO pizzas, a bottle of coke, much scolding from both Jay and Eve and five inspirational videos to gather some semblance of courage I had

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IT TOOK ME TWO pizzas, a bottle of coke, much scolding from both Jay and Eve and five inspirational videos to gather some semblance of courage I had. 

It wasn't making a move that was scary but the aftermath that terrfied the absolute fuck out of me. I had told people I liked them before but with Noah, it felt more intimate. All the more reason to grate at my nerves. 

I was anxiously waiting for his arrival and a part of me hoped that he would not come so I could delay having this conversation. 

But Jay was eyeing me very pointedly, making it hard to back out. 

"I'll just be in the kitchen. Don't you dare run off, okay?" he warned me as he got up from the stool and I nodded. My palms were clammy so I wiped them on my skirt. Jay gave me a pitiful look but I couldn't even bring myself to glare at him. 

When the bell chimed, my eyes instantly shot to the door. I saw a familiar figure approach the counter and the worried frown twisted in a 'I-don't-want-to-deal-with-this' frown. It was a person from a school that I had graduated from. A person I didn't wish to see. But that person seemed very excited to see me. 

Ashton Davis. 

The only boy who seemed to be very interested in me even when my dates--if they could be called that--were infamous at Sliver Creek. He followed me around a lot, hit on me and asked me out multiple times during the school years. 

It wasn't that Ashton was not a good guy. He was but he couldn't take a no. The first time he had asked me out was when we were complete strangers and I had told him no. But he bugged me again and again and he was someone who was hard to deal with because he was clingy. 

If he had made efforts to be friends with me before hitting on me, I would have said yes. 

It would make sense that I looked like hell when he stood in front of the counter. But my unimpressed face did nothing to dampen his mood. 

"Hey, Ali," he said, using a nickname that was only reserved for a handful of people. It annoyed me but it wasn't reason enough to use a karate move on him. "Been a long time. No see, girl," he chirped as if we were friends. I shot him a tight smile, hoping he would just order and leave me the fuck alone. 

"Hi, Ashton," I greeted politely. 

Of course I was wrong. He didn't order. He chit-chatted. 

"It's so nice to see you after so long, you know? I have missed you," he said and I held back an urge to roll my eyes. "By the way, are you going to our reunion party?" 

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