7 | your turn now, buttercup

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AS EXPECTED, HISOKA FOUGHT THEM WITH EASE. They never had a chance against a guy like him.

The moment the match started the other started throwing his fists, but Hisoka knew better. It was quite disturbing for a Desdemona to watch the other guy be played to death. Watching Hisoka wreak havoc on the prisoner, made Desdemona pity the man begging for mercy and also made her realize just how cruel and psychotic the magician really was.

It seems that Hisoka has forgotten that there's a timer behind all this, Desdemona sighed and shook her head. It surprised her how calm she was taking all of this. There was no point in cowering in fear. In order to become a hunter, she couldn't fear anything, not even fear itself.

After watching Hisoka like this for a few minutes, she had already gotten use to him laughing like a maniac while cutting off the limbs of his prey one at a time.

Soon, his prey gave out and the life dissipated from his eyes.

"Oops, my bad. I always break my toys.~"

Then the examiner called up his next opponent, but before the examiner could even begin the match, the prisoner jumped into the lava.

"Death by lava is definitely more merciful than having to deal with you

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"Death by lava is definitely more merciful than having to deal with you." Desdemona said.

Hisoka just laughed and made his way next to the girl's side.

"It's your turn now, buttercup."

"Don't call me that Hisoka." Desdemona's face showed tiny signs of a scowl. Then she decided to ignore him and walked towards the centre of the platform. Her opponent had done so already and was waiting for her with a psychotic smile.

The only way I'll win between me and this guy who is twice— no, triple my size, is if I use my ability. Desdemona thought. It wouldn't be too hard, she's learnt how to use it for years now.

Desdemona's opponent was a large, muscled man. To others, it may have seemed like Desdemona would be crushed, but in reality, the girl already knew she would win.

"You may begin!" The examiner announced and the other immediately pounced towards the white-haired girl.

"Jump into the lava."

Before he knew it, the prisoner had already made his way to the edge of the platform. It surprised Desdemona that her ability didn't last long enough for him to jump, but it was already too late, Desdemona stood behind him and gave him a hefty kick towards the sizzling substance.

"And that's how you do it. Quickly and effectively." Desdemona semi-lectured the grinning clown as her next opponent walked towards her hesitantly.

Why the f*** did my bro just jump to his death? He could've easily crushed this bimbo, the prisoner thought.

Of course, he had underestimated the lady and just like how his homie went down, he followed quickly after, melting into the lava.

"Your ability is stronger than I thought~" Hisoka noted, "I can't wait until all the little fruits ripen."

He proceeded to lick his lips while the examiner opened a door for them. Hisoka made his way through the door while Desdemona lagged behind for a while. She wanted him to test the waters first, just in case there weren't anymore hounds on the other side.

"Examinee number 44, first one out at 6 hours and 17 minutes."

When she heard that Hisoka made it to the bottom, she quickly followed along.

"Examinee number 406, second one out at 6 hours and 18 minutes."

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