6 | death match

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"What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Desdemona demanded as her divine visage became as rouge as Hisoka's hair and smacked the clown on the chest. Desdemona gulped and realized her actions, knowing the other could kill her instantly if he pleased.

[Desdemona's expression]

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[Desdemona's expression]

"Well, there's no other options sweetie. Just bear with it for a while okay?~" Hisoka replied, attempting to not look at the cute girl's reaction in his arms. There was just something about her that compelled him to want to get closer, to get to know her better.

Probably her nen ability, he thought as he dodged all the fine red lines that could melt them in a fraction of a second.

Desdemona was shocked. Although most of her feared the magician clown, a tiny part of her could not help but admire the psychotic guy. He just cleared something she would take possibly hours to do.

When they reached the other side, Hisoka put her down and the door opened.

On the other side, there was a large platform in the middle with lava at its perimeters.

"Welcome participants, to the next phase of this trial. Although you failed the last part by not telling the truth, killing the hounds was another way to pass. In this trial, you will be facing against the prisoners here at trick tower. The amount that they hold you in this room will equate to the amount that will be taken off their sentence. As there are two of you, both will need to fight against two prisoners each." A voice rang from the speakers above and four dangerous men appeared on the other side of the platform.

Desdemona did not like the sight or sound of this. The lava gave her anxiety and she didn't know how to fight for her life. In this case, literally.

How could she protect her brother if she couldn't even protect herself?

"Oh? We have to fight them while being handcuffed?" Hisoka asked while lifting the metal restraint that connected him and Desdemona together.

I almost forgot these handcuffs were on for a second, thought Desdemona.

"Of course." The examiner answered Hisoka, "but you can take it off if you agree to add three hours onto your time."

"Mr. Examiner, may I ask how much time has passed since this round started?" Desdemona asked politely.

"2 hours and 31 minutes."

Desdemona asked Hisoka what he wanted to do. After all, taking off the restraint would affect both their times, who knows what else is in store for them.

"I say we take them off just because it's tedious." Desdemona gave her opinion.

Hisoka seemed to have agreed as he snapped the cuffs off of them like they weren't made out of metal. Desdemona was shocked, but the shock subsided earlier than usual. She had expected Hisoka to be able to pull off such a feat.

"Who'll start?" One of the prisoners asked the duo, "I can't wait to see some blood and guts."

"I agree! Although my sentence is 342 years, this can at least alleviate some of the boredom."

The prisoners began their smack talk and threat, but participants did not falter for even a bit.

"I'll volunteer to go first," Hisoka licked his lips at the provocation, he hoped they wouldn't disappoint him as the participants had back in the marsh.

He was dying for a good fight. He couldn't kill the girl next to him, at least not yet. He also could not ignore the fact that the girl had interested him. With her around, things weren't so boring. The clown walked towards the center of the large platform while Desdemona stayed at the side. On the other side, one of the men did the same and the two met in the middle.

"There are no rules for these matches. Anything and everything applies," the examiner stated, "begin."

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