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DESDEMONA FINISHED HER ERRANDS AND MADE HER WAY HOME. When she approached the quaint house with her groceries, she realized that she couldn't unlock the front door with both of her hands occupied. And so, Desdemona knocked on the front door, knowing that someone would be home. Sure enough, a little boy opened the door and came jumping at her, so abruptly that Desdemona almost dropped what she was holding. 

"Des! Did you get the flour?" The boy asked with anticipation, his face as bright as the sun. 

"Gon! Let Desdemona inside the house before you start bombarding her with questions." Aunt Mito's stern voice called from inside the house, "And wash your hands, it'll be time for lunch soon."

Gon Freecss pouted but took one of the bags from his sister before the two entered the house. The moment Desdemona entered, her being was swept over with warmth and the aroma of what her aunt was cooking. Seeing Gon run into the kitchen, she closed the door before following along. 

"I got the baking flour that you asked for," Desdemona said as she handed the bags of all-purpose flour to the older lady, "It was on promotion too, so I just had to get another bag, knowing how much you like to bake."

"I greatly appreciate it, Des. Why don't we make cookies after lunch?" Aunt Mito asked as she filled bowls with rice. 

"Sounds like a great plan!" Gon yelled and jumped into the air like the energetic child he was. Desdemona smiled, she hoped that he would always be this carefree. 


"Gon! Stop making such a big mess!" Aunt Mito scolded him and wiped the flour off of his nose with a damp towel. 

"Sorry Aunt Mito, I didn't mean to!"

"It's alright Aunt Mito, Gon is but a child. It's normal for him to have a little bit of fun." Desdemona said while she cracked two eggs into the mixture that Gon was stirring haphazardly. 

Gon giggled like usual and suddenly his face brightened as if a thought had popped up in his head.

"Des, Aunt Mito, I've been wondering to ask you guys... how was dad like?"

Desdemona and Aunt Mito both stopped in their tracks and looked at each other silently before facing Gon simultaneously. Gon had been asking about Ging ever since he saw the picture of Ging. Aunt Mito had initially told him that Ging died along with his mother, however, the kid eventually found out that his father was alive and a hunter.

"Gon..." Aunt Mito started but couldn't seem to finish, "Your father..."

"Is nothing that concerns you anymore," Desdemona said sharply, "We will not speak about our father or his occupation ever again. Do you understand?"

Gon shrunk and pouted, but he did not want to upset his big sister so he quietly complied. Of course, he was going to ask Aunt Mito privately later anyways.

After the tense conversation, the rest of the baking happened in silence.

Aunt Mito took Gon outside to have him help with the laundry while Desdemona stayed in the kitchen to roll the cookie dough into balls.

There was always a bad air whenever Gon asked about his father.

A part of me is glad that Gon couldn't remember Ging because of he was so little. Having Ging leave devastated the ten-year-old Desdemona to the point where she closed off her heart. Mito thought as she clipped the blankets to the clothesline, preventing them from taking off with the wind.

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