13 | the past

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CLINKS OF EXPENSIVE WINE AND CHAMPAGNE GLASSES, as well as the chattering of the party guests, drowned out the classical music from the live quartet that was playing on a raised platform at the corner.

Kikyo Zoldyck, donning a gorgeous and frilly Victorian-style gown, made her way through the various bedazzled and bejewelled ballgowns and finely pressed suits littered across the ballroom. Her extended antique, feathery fan covered more than half her face. She was here on a special assassination mission, of course.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today for the after-party of our newly elected governor! Sir Mort has something he'd like to say as thanks to his voters and constituents," a slim man with a monocle announced on stage while gesturing towards another man who was making his way up the stairs

"Thank you, my trusty assistant," the governor thanked before delivering a lengthy and cookie-cutter speech about his election victory and his policy plans for the future.

"Once again my lovely constituents, I am eternally grateful and thank you all for your suppor-," but before the governor could finish, a tiny projective flew from within the crowd towards him, exploding upon impact. The man's body disintegrated in a matter of milliseconds. 

The calming classical music was abruptly replaced by shrill screams from the partygoers who were trying to run away from the scene of the incident.

The Zoldyck assassin briefly made eye contact with the new governor's-- now ex-governors-- assistant, who nodded at her with a pleased smirk on his face. She strategically used the commotion as a cover for her escape from the security guards who were now swarming the ballroom. In a matter of seconds, she seamlessly blended into the sea of alarmed and panicked guests leaving the event. 

Kikyo ran out of the building and was promptly escorted into the passenger seat of a sleek white limo that was waiting on the side of the road. The moment the chauffeur closed the door, the limo driver hit the gas and the automobile started, blending in with all the other limos on the street.

"Nice work, Kikyo. The man's assistant wired the jenny the moment you killed his superior," Silva Zoldyck, her husband and head of the Zoldyck Family of assassins, said, "corruption, betrayals, and politics do mingle with each other very well."

"I honestly don't really care as long as we get paid. After all, raising kids isn't cheap these days," chuckled the female assassin (who literally owns an entire mountain). 

"Even so, you shouldn't have run like that darling," Silva pressed as he handed her a bottle of sparkling water.

"Honey, you should stop worrying so much, you of all people know that I know what I'm doing."

"Of course, however, I don't want any complications when you go into labour and watching you run and jump around with a large baby bump doesn't help very much," the husband said as he felt his wife's baby bump.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, all I want right now is to go home to our lovely son, take off this damn uncomfortable gown, and eat my favourite brand of dill pickles."

Silva chuckled, still not used to the weird and unusual antics of pregnant women. 


"Can you put the pickles down, Kikyo?" Silva exasperatedly asked at three in the morning. It was truly ironic to him how he is able to handle even the most horrid and extreme conditions during his missions but could not handle his tenacious and ever so pregnant lover. 

"Over my dead body! I am bringing these with me!" The pregnant lady gasped at the idea that she would have to leave her pregnancy craving behind. He would have to drag her cold, dead body to the hospital before she would even think about parting with her beloved fermented cucumbers. 

Kikyo, being the stubborn person she was, had to be dragged into the car by her husband with a jar of dill pickles in her arms. 

"Darling, your water broke and you're going into labour, pickles should be the least of your worries. I knew I should've taken care of the job earlier tonight. Feeling you on a mission must have prompted our little one to want to get into the action early," Silva chuckled.

Silva watched as his wife went through dilations while chomping pickles. At least he wasn't worried too much about the labour process since they had already gone through it once with Illumi. Initially, Silva thought Kikyo was going to have Illumi back at home with the help of a few midwives. After all, Zoldycks were required to go through intense pain tolerance training, however, he was proved to be seriously wrong after having clumps of his hair pulled out by his wife while she was screaming for an epidural. Thus, they had their eldest in the nearest hospital. 

Thinking of the eldest child, Illumi, who was left back at home, Silva wondered how he would react to a new sibling. He hoped that they would get along even if Zoldyck family politics sometimes made siblings hostile towards each other. No, Silva would make sure that Illumi learns that being a good older brother is of the utmost importance. 


"If you make me pregnant again, I am going to make sure that you can't have children ever again!" Kikyo screeched at the top of her lungs after the doctor instructed her to start pushing.

"Kikyo darling, that's what you said when you gave birth last time," Silva said and smiled as Kikyo's grip on his hand got so tight that it restricted his blood flow.

"Well. This. Is. The. Last. Time!" She said through clenched teeth and pushed as hard as she could. Little did Kikyo know that she was going to give birth four more times after this one. After a few hours of labour, a shrill cry pierced the hospital room.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl!"

Kikyo was overjoyed. 

Finally, she would have someone to dress up all prettily. If Illumi, who was back at home sleeping, knew of this, he would have let out a deep breath of relief. His days of torture-- being stuffed into lacy dresses and intricate kimonos-- were over.

After the doctors had cut her umbilical cord and swaddled her in a soft blanket, the doctors handed the newborn girl to the mother on the bed.

"Have you and father decided on an appropriate name for her?" Kikyo softly asked so as not to rile up the daughter in her arms.

As much as she wanted to name her child, it was a Zoldyck tradition for the oldest and wisest grandparent to name new offspring.

"Yes, after months of discourse between father and I, we have settled on a graceful and fitting name for our daughter. She shall now on be named Killumi Zoldyck, a proud addition to our family."


Wow, it seems like Silva and Kikyo actually had a nice relationship back then, I wonder what happened? In addition, just who is Killumi Zoldyck? Why has no one else ever heard of her? Interesting questions that'll have interesting answers in the next chapter of: Sweet Talker!

Hi y'all. Summer is great. Taking this chance to rest is doing wonders for my mental health. Hope you liked this chapter, it was fun to write. 

-bee out!

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