Chapter 18: The Finale

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Vincent said as soon as Suzy picked up the phone.

She knew straight away what he was talking about. "I couldn't."

"Why would you want to protect him?"

"I wasn't protecting him. I was protecting you. Your relationship is already so strained, and I couldn't bear to be the one to widen the gap between you. Especially after what happened to Sungjae."

"The issues between my father and I are our issues. He had no right to bring you into it."

"It doesn't change anything, Vincent. I won't make you choose between me or your family."

"And that's one of the many reasons why I choose you, Suzy. You're selfless and caring and I'm sure the rest of my family will love you as much as I do. Or, no, on second thought, I don't think that's humanly possible."

"Vincent, I..."

"I'm not asking you to give up your career or your life in the States for me, but I want you to come back to South Korea and meet my aunts and uncle. Halmeoni's been asking about you, and I..."

"Vincent," Suzy stopped him. "I quit my job."

"What? I thought you were just taking some time off to see your family?"

"Well, I did... only permanently. I resigned and I gave up my lease. I've put everything into storage and I'm staying in my parents here in Hopeland until..."

"Until what?" he asked breathlessly.

"Until I figure out a way to relocate to South Korea."


"I was thinking I could find a job at Frey Publishing's subsidiary in Seoul. Mr. Frey said he would write me a letter of recommendation if I decided to apply for a position there."

"Is this really what you want?"

"I want to write. I want to give it a chance for real and I want to be close to you. I know I'm not welcome in your house, but..."

"If Abeoji says you're not welcome here, I'll leave the estate in a heartbeat."

"No, Vincent, that's exactly what I didn't want to happen."

"I don't care, Suzy. I want to be with you. Whatever it takes."

"So I can book my flight back to South Korea?" she asked, biting her lip.

"If you don't, I might hijack a plan and pick you up myself."

Suzy laughed. "Then I'd better start looking for tickets."

Suzy looked nervously around the arrivals hall, trying to find a familiar face in the crowd. Not just any face. Vincent's.

When she spotted him, her whole face lit up and she ran into his arms. They clung to one another for dear life, only pulling back to reacquaint their lips with each other.

"There's no way I'm letting you go now," Vincent murmured against her lips.

"Well, I could only get a three month visa, so I'm gonna have to go back to the States for a little while before..."

"Marry me."

"I'm not marrying you to stay in the country, Vincent." Suzy shook her head.

"Who said that's why I'm proposing?"

"Are you..." She looked at him, dumbfounded.

"I know it's not as romantic as the first one, but..." he reached into his back pocket and produced an antique looking ring and slipped it on her finger. "It was Halmeoni's. She wanted you to have it. I wanted you to have it. So what do you say to a wedding in Dobong?" he looked at her in anticipation.

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