Chapter 13: The past, present, and future?

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Suzy responded to his passionate embrace with equal fervor, pulling Vincent closer as her hands tangled in his hair. Soon he was trailing kisses down her body and Suzy found herself shivering despite the heat of the humid night and his fevered touch.


"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," he breathed against her skin.

"Why didn't you?" She breathed.

"I thought you didn't want me," he said and hovered above her for a moment, letting their eyes lock. "Last night, Halmeoni told me to go upstairs and make you mine. But when I got there, you had already made the bed for me on the floor."

"Halmeoni is a wise woman," Suzy said softly, reaching up to caress his cheek. "You should take her advice." She smiled and pulled him down to her.

Suzy awoke to strong arms enveloping her. For a second, she was disoriented and didn't recognize the room. On the other hand, she hadn't slept in her own bed for quite some time now, it seemed. She didn't have to turn her head to see whose arms she was in, she would recognize the scent of him anywhere. She did, however, have to go to the bathroom and gently tried to move his arm so she could move.

Vincent groaned and tightened his embrace, pulling her even closer to him.

"Vincent... I have to go."

"No, when I've finally got you in my arms I'm not letting you go," he said sleepily.

"You're gonna have to," she said, turning slightly to face him.

He tucked a hair behind her ear. "Why?" He pouted.

"Because I have to pee."

"Oh... sorry." He chuckled and released her.

"I'll be right back."

"You better..." He winked.

When Suzy returned from the bathroom after having washed up and brushed her teeth, she was wearing one of the guest robes - this place had everything! - and found the bed empty.

Frowning, she looked around the room, almost expecting Vincent to jump out at her, but there was no movement. Then she smelt it. Coffee.

Smiling, Suzy made her way downstairs and found Vincent in the kitchen.

He smiled, looking over his shoulder. "I thought you might be hungry."

"You thought right," she replied, walking up to him. "What are you making?" She peered over his shoulder.

"Scrambled eggs, Korean style. My friend had his housekeeper stock the kitchen before we got here."

"That's nice of him," Suzy said and hopped up on the kitchen counter, from where she had an excellent view of the garden.

"Mm-hm," Vincent said, distracted by the fact that her robe had parted slightly and revealed a sliver of her milky-skinned thigh.

"Did you come here a lot when you were young?"

"Occasionally," he mumbled, moving over to stand between her legs, his hands on her knees.


"Hm?" He started moving his hands up her legs, his thumbs running along the inside of her thighs.

"Your eggs are burning."

"There's more in the fridge." He shrugged and picked her up.

Suzy giggled as her legs hooked around his waist and he moved over to the stove to turn off the burner before carrying her into the living room.

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