Chapter 6: Kiss

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"Do you, Sander Bae, take this Jieun Lee..."

Suzy wiped a stray tear as her brother and her best friend said their vows and exchanged wedding bands, pledging their lives to one another. Marriage was a sacred institution, how could she stand up and vow to share her life with Vincent when there was no 'til death do us part' for them? No, it would have to be a civil marriage. No family, no friends, just a piece of paper and two signatures. A pure business agreement.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Cheers broke out in the audience as Sander and Jieun sealed their deal with a kiss. Another upside to a civil marriage - no kissing required. Her eyes met Vincent's across the aisle briefly and she wondered if he was thinking about their upcoming nuptials, as well.

It was a beautiful summer's day, and the ceremony took place outside, by the garden's beautiful scenery.. Sheer tents had been set up and tables set with white linen table cloths and candelabras. Rhi's Catering, the catering company Rhian's ran, had taken care of all the arrangements.

The color scheme for the wedding was white, gold and brown. The bridesmaids' dresses were gorgeous copper brown taffeta that came to the knee. Jieun wore a Vera Wang champagne taffeta gown. Her bouquet was made up of cream mini-callas and chocolate brown cosmos. Gilded oak leaves were used as place cards. It all made for a warm, vibrant atmosphere and Suzy couldn't picture a more perfect wedding for her brother and best friend.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bae invite you to join them on the dance floor," the band announced, and the wedding party filed onto the hardwood floor, which had been lain just for the occasion.

"May I have this dance?" a sudden voice drawled in her ear and Suzy looked down to see Vincent's outstretched hand, palm up.

"Of course," Suzy smiled for the benefit of the people watching them and let him lead her onto the dance floor.

"You must be cold," Vincent whispered to her ear. He then took off his coat and put it around her shoulder. "There. Better."

"Thank you," she shyly said, hoping he would not notice her heart beating fast.

To all the other guests, Suzy was the sister of the groom and Vincent the future Bae son-in-law. To her, this was all a part of the charade. When Vincent's strong arms led her across the dance floor, though, it seemed a little less of a fraud. Suzy pushed back the thought that just like the engagement ring fit her finger; she molded perfectly into Vincent's arms. It must be the atmosphere, Suzy decided. Weddings could make anyone sentimental.

"Are you having a good time?" Vincent asked, snapping Suzy out of her musings.

"It was a beautiful ceremony."

"Yes. It was." Vincent agreed.

"The caterers have done a wonderful job," Suzy said.

"Yes. They have."

They were capable of making polite conversation. They could be civil to each other. They could even be friends. Suzy knew she should be happy they were on the same page - no feelings involved - but instead she only felt empty. She was dancing with a gorgeous man who had asked her to marry him, and she was grateful they were on speaking terms. What was wrong with this picture?

"That's not what I asked, though," Vincent said softly.

Suzy blinked. She had gotten lost in her thoughts again. What had he asked her? As if he knew what she was thinking, he clarified, "I asked if you were having a good time."

"It's my brother's wedding. The bride is my best friend. I'm thrilled for them."

"Yet you look like you're a million miles away. What's wrong?"

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