Chapter 14: Twisted truth

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"Abeoji asked to see you," Sungjae said to Suzy as she was coming down the stairs.

Vincent had left at the break of dawn and she had tried to sleep for as long as possible to postpone facing the Lees. Eventually, though, she had to leave the room. Figures that Sungjae would be the first person she saw.

"He did?" Suzy frowned. President Lee had barely said two words to her since she arrived. Why would he want to talk to her now?

"He's waiting for you in his study." Sungjae gestured to a closed door down the hall.

Tentatively, and with a growing sense of foreboding, Suzy lifted her hand and knocked.

"Enter," a voice bellowed from inside and Suzy pushed the door open.

"Ah, Miss Bae," President Lee said, gesturing to one of the plush chairs in the room. "Do come in."

Suzy hesitantly, with the feeling she was walking into the lion's den, closed the door behind her and sat down in the leather armchair, crossing her legs at the ankles and folding her hands in her lap.

"My son has obligations to his family," President Lee began, getting straight to the point, "he cannot be distracted by some career-driven, money-grubbing whore."

Suzy's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"Seunggi has gotten it into his head that he's in love with you. You need to end this farce now, before it's too late. When you break off your engagement and return to America, you will receive a generous contribution. Call it... a compensation for services rendered, if you like."

"You're trying to buy me off?" Suzy gawked.

"I'm ensuring my son gets the future he deserves."

"Vincent's a grown man, President Lee. He will make his own decisions in life. I have no more influence over him than you do."

"You are underestimating your abilities, Miss Bae."

"I'm not breaking off our engagement," Suzy said stoically.

"Then you leave me no choice but to cut Seunggi out of my will."

"Vincent doesn't need or want your money," she hissed.

"You think he got to where he is today without it?" President Lee scoffed. "I know my son. He goes after the things he wants and he doesn't stop until he gets it. He likes the chase. He will grow bored of you soon enough, and when he does, he will miss his old life."

"I don't believe that."

"Believe this - I will bequeath all my worldly possessions to Sungjae. He will run this estate into the ground and Chairman Lee will live out her life in a retirement home that relies on government funding to stay afloat."

Suzy's jaw dropped. "Chairman Lee is your mother. Why would you-"

"I will stop at nothing to see to it that my son is free of harlots like you."

"You... are a despicable man, President Lee," Suzy hissed and stood up.

"I am not unreasonable. You may stay here the full two weeks, but then you will be going back to America - alone."

Suzy stormed out, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Suzyssi?" Sungjae appeared just as she was about to leave the house.

"I need some air," she said and headed out without sparing him a second glance.

"I'll go with you," Sungjae volunteered and followed her.

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