Chapter 16: Goodbye

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It was Richard Bae who first noticed the smoke. He ran back to the winery but the building was all in flames. He called 119 but when the fire department arrived at the scene, it was too late. The building was lost to the world. As later confirmed by the coroner, so was Sungjae.

Richard Bae, under duress of Chairman Lee and her rolling pin, as well as being asked to give a statement of the events of the night of the fire, wisely chose to postpone their departure by a few days.

The Lee household was in a state of shock. Chairman Lee, President Lee, Vincent and Suzy sat in silence around the dining room table, none of them in a mood to eat any of the food that the neighbors had brought along with their condolences. President Lee abandoned his wine for Soju and locked himself in his study.

"I called Samchun and Imo," Vincent said to Chairman Lee when they were in the kitchen, cooking. "I couldn't get a hold of Samchun, but Imo said she would call him. They should be here in a matter of days."

"Thank you, Seunggiya," Chairman Lee said, stroking his cheek affectionately. "I am so happy you are here."

"Mianhe, Halmeoni. If I hadn't come back…"

"Stop right there," Halmeoni said forcefully. "If you had not come here to introduce your lovely Suzy, it would have been an even greater tragedy. Sungjae was foolish, and one day he would have paid for his past mistakes. You and Suzy had no hand in his demise."

"That's not true, Halmeoni. If I hadn't been so desperate to stay in the States, I wouldn't have forced Suzy to marry me, Richard would never have come here and tried to expose us, and Sungjae wouldn't have tried to…"

"If, if, if… such a small word…. If you hadn't felt forced to marry, you may never have let yourself love Suzy. Would you wish to have that undone?"

"I can't imagine my life without her…"

"Then have no regrets," she said warmly. "Be grateful you have her by your side, to seek solace in."

"She won't be for long… Richard Bae is determined to take her away from me."

"Then you explain to him that he does not tell you how to live your life," Halmeoni said, hands firmly planted on her hips.


"That woman ruined my sons," President Lee growled. "I want her out of my house and out of this country."

"I understand, sir," Richard said and poured the older man another drink. "I will see to it."



"Abeoji," Vincent greeted the elder Lee.


"I wish to speak with Mr. Bae, if you could spare his company."

"I could… if you call Soo-young to come in here."

"Ne, Abeoji," Vincent agreed and went to get Soo-young to tell her that his father wished to speak with her.

Vincent and Richard walked outside while President Lee instructed Soo-young and told her to tell Suzy he wished to speak with her. Soo-young complied.

There was a tentative knock on the door moments later and President told her to enter.

"You asked to see me, President Lee?" Suzy said timidly, her rage having been replaced by genuine sympathy for the man who had lost a son.

"I did. Have a seat, Miss Bae," he commanded, gesturing to the chair Richard had vacated.

"You have stayed here long enough," he said, getting straight to the point as was his habit. "I have told Soo-young to pack your belongings."

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