Chapter 7: Annyeong

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When they pulled into a small road lined with cypress trees leading up to a large estate with surrounding vineyards, Suzy gasped. "Am I in a Historical Korean drama? I don't know but it looks like to me. I've never remember you mention your home to look like a Korean castle."

"Why would I? Like I said, I walked away from it."

"Yes, but… wouldn't 'I have a castle in South Korea' make for an effective pick-up line?"

"Maybe if I wanted a woman who was only after my money," Vincent shrugged. "I don't have to try that hard to get women to sleep with me, you know."

Suzy bit her lip. No, he wouldn't, would he?

"Annyeonghaseyo Dolyeonnim, annyeonghaseyo nae sugnyeo," a young woman with jet black hair and striking eyes greeted them at the door. "Lee hoejangnim awaits you in the study," she said timidly.

"Kamsahamnida, Soo-youngah." Vincent smiled and took Suzy's hand, tugging her with him into the house.

Suzy smiled at Soo-young, who gave a slight curtsey and scurried off.

"Soo-young's mother took care of us when we were young, and I suppose Sungjay kept her on after."

"Your brother? I thought your father…"

"Called all the shots? Well, he does, but he's grooming Sungjay into running the house and the business."

"Oh, I see."

"You ready?" Vincent asked as they came to stand in front of a heavy oak door.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Suzy answered and took a deep breath.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in," a muffled voice came from behind the door.

Suzy almost flinched at the sight. Richard and what must be Vincent's father sat in plush leather chairs, sipping what looked like scotch. Two pair of cruel eyes turned on them. No wonder the two men seemed to have hit it off – they looked equally displeased with the arrival of Vincent and Suzy.

The man she assumed was Vincent's father rose from his seat. His hair was graying. He had piercing eyes and a strong jaw. He didn't look a thing like Vincent. He approached them with determined steps, but there was nothing of Vincent's grace or feline movement to his stride. Pride. That was the word that encapsulated the man before her, Suzy found herself thinking. He carried himself with stubborn pride. She instantly disliked him.

"Bae Suzy, I presume," he said in a drawl, while looking her over with contempt. "Richard tells me you are my son's secretary."

"Executive assistant," Vincent said before Suzy had the chance to think of a reply.

"Did Seunggi promise you a promotion?"

Lee Seungwon's cold piercing eyes bore into her and sent a shiver down Suzy's spine, and not the kind of shiver that she got from Vincent's touch. Suzy couldn't help gulping. She felt a blush creep up at the way he was looking at her, but she didn't have a chance to refute his opinion before he carried on.

"My son makes many promises. Keeping them has never been his forte."

Suzy stole a glance at Vincent and saw he was seething. She could feel the tension in the room; it was thicker than the cigar smoke that permeated the study. She glanced at Richard, who sat back in his chair with a cruel smile on his lips.

"Actually, sir," she said in a steady voice which surprised even her, "your son has only promised to love me, and he has kept that promise every day we've spent together."

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