Chapter 15: Dinner went wrong

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Vincent had to stay and work out the details with the lawyers for several days, and even though he and Suzy talked every night, the days still passed at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Suzy managed to avoid President Lee, though, for which she was incredibly grateful. She wasn't sure she would be able to refrain from slapping him if he so much as looked at her again.

She spent her days with Halmeoni, learning to cook and listening to her stories. An idea started to form in Suzy's head, but she was nervous about bringing it up.

Suzy and Sungjae were getting along much like brother and sister, and she was becoming increasingly convinced of his relative innocence in the drama that surrounded the family. So when she pondered whether or not to discuss her idea with Halmeoni, she confided in him.

"I want to write Halmeoni's story," she said as they were having drinks in the garden. "But I'm afraid to ask her."

"Wae? I'm sure she'd love that."

"You think? I mean, I don't want her to think I'm using her or anything... it's just... I haven't wanted to write for a really long time, and I'm so inspired by her."

"Then you should definitely ask her about it. Halmeoni loves telling people her stories, it's like she gets to relive her past every time she does."

"Yeah, I've notice how her eyes sparkle when she starts reminiscing. So you think she'd agree?"

"I think she'd be honored." Sunjae smiled.

"Okay. I'll ask," she said and sipped her drink. "Listen, would you do something for me?"

"Anything for my sister-in-law."

She chuckled. "Thanks. Not there yet, but... Okay, so Vincent's coming back tomorrow night, and I really want to surprise him."

"What do you have in mind?"

"A romantic dinner in the winery? Would that be okay?"

"Of course. I'll help you set it up."

"Thank you."

"What do you need?"

"Um... red roses... a white linen tablecloth... candlelight... classical music..."

"That's... very specific," he commented.

"I'm recreating his proposal," Suzy explained. "I've asked Halmeoni to help me prepare the food, but I was hoping you could help with the wine. I know you don't produce it here, but..."

"I know other winemakers. It won't be a problem," Sungjae confirmed.

"Great. And can you maybe trick him into going to the winery? Make up an emergency or something? I just want him to be really surprised."

"Don't worry, Suzyssi. I will make sure he is surprised."

"Great. Well, I should go talk to Halmeoni about the book. See you later," she said and headed back inside. On her way there, she passed Richard Bae and they glared at each other, but neither of them spoke.

"Annyeong, Halmeoni," Suzy said, entering the kitchen to find Chairman Lee looking through cookbooks.

"Suzyssi! I was just getting the recipes for your dinner. Come, look," she gestured for Suzy to take a seat at the table. "Sundubu-jjigae, as you requested."

"Thank you, Halmeoni. I was actually wondering..."


"You know I want to be an editor... well, growing up, my biggest dream was to be a writer, but I just never found my story... Does that make sense?"

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