Chapter 19: Epilogue

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"She's going to wake us up any second," Suzy says while she kisses my neck.

"No she won't," I grumble with my eyes closed.

Suzy presses into my side and her warm hands move across my chest. "She's going to come storming in here any moment." Her hand slides up my shirt and along my stomach.

I throw my arm across my eyes to block the bright sunlight. "It's too early."

"Have you met her? She's up every morning at five."

"I hate you."

"It's not my fault." Her lips press to mine.

"You raised her."

She laughs quietly. "Yes, but this part she takes after you. I bet you were the first kid up on Christmas."

I groan and pull a pillow over my head. "Let me sleep."

Our bedroom door flies open and I hear little steps running across the wood floor. "Told you," Suzy whispers into my ear and tugs on my earlobe with her teeth. I groan for a completely different reason. And then my daughter jumps onto the bed and my focus changes.

"Santa came!" she shouts.

Suzy laughs and I peak at the two of them as Sandy cuddles into her mother's arms. "Daddy is still sleeping," she whispers and I know her tone well. There's nothing like two girls ganging up on you all the time.

A second later Sandy body slams me, knocking the breath from my chest. "Daddy, wake up!"

"I'm too tired."

Sandy pushes against the covers until she pulls them completely off. Suzy and I had to get used to wearing clothes to bed at all times because you never know when our daughter might bound into our bedroom. I shiver as the cool air touches my bare arms. I roll over onto my side and drag Sandy into my arms. "Why are you awake now?" I ask and Sandy giggles.

"Because Santa came." Sandy wriggles away from me and stands up. She begins to jump on the bed. "Santa came! Santa came! Santa came!"

Suzy laughs and runs her hand over her hair. "Baby, can you give Mommy and Daddy just a minute to wake up. If you go sit quietly in your room, you can open all your presents before breakfast. You don't have to wait, okay?" Normally she opens Santa's presents first and ours second, after breakfast. She swears Santa's are better.

Sandy stops jumping and claps her hand. "Okay!" She kisses her mom's cheek and then runs from our room.

"Careful!" Suzy shouts, shaking her head.

Suzy slides back down the bed and opens my arms so she can press against me. I hug her against my chest and feel her feet become entangled with mine. I run my hand down her back and over her butt. She presses her nose to my throat. "She's your daughter."

"How does someone so little have so much energy?"

"I have no idea."

For a few seconds I enjoy the feeling of Suzy breathing deeply against my skin. Most nights we fall asleep like this, entwined in each other, holding one another, but we rarely wake up the same way. It's nice to be holding her in the morning, when I'm usually rushing off to the wine shop or to take Sandy to school. I have to work an overnight tonight, but I'm lucky enough to have the morning and afternoon off.

After another second I tip my head back and meet Suzy's eyes. She smiles at me as I lean in to kiss her. She sighs and her hands fist my t-shirt while we slowly discover one another. It's been over three years since we shared our first kiss, our fake engagement and the trouble we have gone through and conquered. It has not been perfect—because we fight and we push one another through the years and now raising a three year old isn't easy—but there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

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