Chapter Eighteen

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor will it ever be. The characters belong to Stephenie Meyer and I just like to play with Edward and Bella.

Also, thank you so much for your support for my writing. It means to me more than words can say.

I'm unsure if you'd heard, but one of our beloved fandom family members passed away a couple of weekends ago. Dee Creston, lovingly known as FangirlinGrandmaDee, died peacefully and surrounded by family. This chapter is dedicated to one of the kindest, warmest and friendliest members of our TwiFamily. Her love of fic and her encouraging words will be missed, tremendously.

From me to you, Dee, {GIANT TUFANO HUGS AND SMOOCHES} ... always and forever.

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of thousand miles must begin with a single step."
Lao Tzu

Chapter Eighteen

"Are you ready for the race tomorrow, Bella?" Marcus asked as he massaged her back.

"I'm ready to not have to come here every couple of days," Bella quipped.

"You love us. Admit it!" Marcus laughed.

"No, I love Edward. You, I tolerate," Bella snickered, wriggling her finger at Marcus. "And I'll tolerate you one more time on Monday for one more appointment, doing mainly soft-tissue massage and then sweet, sweet freedom."

"You're done for today," Marcus said, throwing a towel at Bella. She laughed, batting it away. "Make sure you drink a lot of water and stretch before you run tomorrow."

"I know," Bella nodded.

"And if it hurts, you stop," Marcus added.

"I know," Bella huffed, falling back onto the table and covering her face.

"And ..."

"Marcus! I know. Edward's running with me. He'll watch over me like a hawk, but I feel amazing," Bella smiled, shooting up and playfully glaring at Marcus. "You sound like a broken record, Marcus. You've been telling me this shit since I decided to run in this 5K."

"As you should," Marcus grinned. He pulled out a bag and handed to her. "Happy birthday, Bella."

"What's this?" she asked. Marcus nudged her to open it and she pulled out a trophy. "The Best Patient Ever."

"Regardless of how you place tomorrow, you're a winner in our book, Bella," Marcus said, giving her a brief hug. "Kick ass, girl. Boss man is waiting for you. Taking you out for your birthday."

"I hope I can change," she giggled, plucking at her workout clothes. Marcus helped her off the table and she walked to her boyfriend. Edward beamed. "Plans for my birthday?"

"Yep," Edward smirked. He threaded his fingers with hers and they walked out of the center. They drove back to their home. They walked inside and it was eerily quiet inside.

"Where are the boys?" Bella asked.

"They're out," Edward answered evasively. "Seth is spending the night with a friend, going to the high school football game and Jake is at the football game. He's hating that he can't play, but he wants to support his team. He's taken to being a student trainer with a great deal of vigor."

"So, we have the house to ourselves," she purred.

"And we have reservations," Edward murmured, kissing her. "I'll get ready in the boys' bathroom."

"I'll say a prayer," Bella snickered. She turned, walking to their bedroom. On the bed was a beautiful navy dress with a note pinned to it.

Wear me! Love, Mom

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