chapter forty two

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I couldn't move. 

I could barely breathe– all I could do is stare. 

Stare at the man in front of me that I knew so well. 

His eyes were closed, dark lashes kissing his cheeks, face marred with cuts. His clothes– the clothes you'd seen him that morning in– were torn left and right, revealing even more injuries: a large gash from his shoulder down to his chest, bruises blooming like flowers on his tan skin, and his foot was twisted at an odd angle that made me wince. 

Natsu's hands were roughly tied and pulled up– he was hanging there like an object. Like a prized possession: Sabertooth was showing him off. The cloth tied around his hands was the only thing keeping him up, causing his skin to become white. His feet dangled, desperate for footing. 

Lucy trembled behind me. 

Rogue and Sting had already moved away, towards the front of the crowd on either side. 

And when I could finally tear my eyes from Natsu's limp form, they met a pair of dark green ones. 

I instantly knew that she was their leader. 

It was the way she held herself. Proud, triumphant, arrogant– a beautiful coat is draped over her shoulders, completed with fur lining. She's beautiful in a cold, foreign way, with her pale, heart-shaped face and almond eyes that emitted nothing but the promise of cruelty. 

Lucy whimpers, burying herself into my back. 

Those cold eyes travel from me to Lucy- and they light up in recognition

I stiffen. Now I understood why Lucy was so terrified of Rogue, of Sabertooth- she knew Minerva. 

But how? 

"Well well," she purrs, stalking forward. "looks like we have the lover of this filth... and a little traitor. What a nice combination, don't you think?" 

The hairs on my arms stand up at her threatening voice. Everything about her screamed danger. I wanted to move away as her figure became closer and closer, but I resisted with all my might– not when Natsu was hurt like that. Not when he needed my help. And at the moment, I had to ignore what Minerva had called Lucy. Traitor

The crowd leered at us, exposing their teeth in hostility. 

"I'm sure you would like to hear how we caught your little group into our web," Minerva murmurs, stopping a foot in front of me. She was several inches taller, but I did not back down from her unnerving stare. "it was simple, of course. We needed to separate you, and then target the mongrel back there first. And to separate you... why, that was simple. All we had to do was bring down the trust between all of you, and target the pillars of Fairy Tail." 

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