chapter thirty two

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"Had fun?" a voice comes behind you. 

I don't answer as I stack the two dirty plates on top of each other, crumbs falling onto my fingers. I'm grateful that Rogue is a man of his word, and didn't come out to challenge Natsu, but the guilt is what weighs upon me more and more. Like scales on my shoulders- Fairy Tail on one side, Rogue on the other. 

Just Rogue. 

A single person against many. 

And yet, his burden seemed to be the lightest of all. 

"How was my bathroom?" I reply sweetly, with a mental image of Rogue in stuck in that small space. I was pretty sure I'd left my underwear and bra in there from yesterday's shower- oh well. I'm past the stage of embarrassment. 

"Luxurious," he comments dryly. "what happened to the pie?" 

"Ah, about that..." I laugh nervously, not sure about the level of possessiveness that Rogue has when it comes to his food. I have no idea what emotions he hides behind that cold facade. "he came by, and I kind of had to offer him a slice to avoid suspicion..." 

He deadpans, giving me a look that transcends words. 

"I'll make it up to you!" I sputter, dumping the plates in the sink. I turn on the faucet. "I'll make you your favorite food tonight, to repay the debt?" 

Hopefulness oozes out of every word I speak, leaning forward on my tippy toes and giving him a nice, big happy face I'm not sure he deserves.  

"Very well," he nods thoughtfully, taking a seat on my couch and sipping from the drink I made earlier. I open my mouth to protest but he beats me to it. "I want pasta. With meatballs, garlic bread, and marinara sauce. Bake the bread in the oven. Oh yeah, and light parmesan cheese. The keyword here: light. Lay off on the basil and spices in general. I am not fond of leaves in my food." 

Oh god. He's one of those people. 

"Yes sir," I smile, the smile stretching uncomfortably on my face. What the hell have I signed up for? I slip outside with that thought, ready to head over to the quaint little supermarket downtown. That's a lot of work for just one man. 

How much parmesan cheese did he want again?


Natsu Dragneel watches as I disappear in the pink horizon, like a ship into the sunset. 

He comes forward, mouth set in a straight line. The pinkette heads straight for 145a- one eye on the door, the other on the street where I was walking on. His steps are light and controlled, not making a single sound. A skill not many have. 

Curling his fingers around the cold metal of your door handle, he presses his hips and one ear into the wood. Listening intently, his stomach drops involuntarily when he hears light footsteps crossing the inside of the room. 

1, 2, 3–

He blasts the door open with pure strength– the metal of the lock snapping in half like a chip of wood. The door swings upon in full force, gears creaking as it digs itself into the wall. Rogue jumps back to avoid his attacker, fists raised like it was second nature- but he's too slow, as Natsu is already barreling towards him, fire glowing in his onyx eyes. 

The Fairy Tail member hauls him up in the air by the cotton collar of his shirt, slamming him against the wall. 

"What are you doing here?" he fumes, knuckles digging sharply into Rogue's collarbone. The boy groans, pale hands going around his wrists in an attempt to fight back. But it's no use– Natsu's fury fueled his strength. 

Short breaths escape Rogue's pale lips as he struggles against one of his worst enemies. 

"Maybe..." he groans, doubling over as the man sinks his knee into his stomach. "you should learn... how to control your girlfriend a little better..." 

And that was the last straw. 

With inhuman, ferocious strength, he flung the man across the room as if he was one of Wendy's rag dolls. He sailed across the couch where he'd slept, across the little table where he'd shared french toast with (y/n), and into the wooden planks. Rogue smashes against the wall, back first and shoulder blades creaking, sliding to the ground in utter pain. 

He roars in anger, throwing himself forward at Rogue, a lion attacking his prey. 

The Sabertooth member feels himself flinching, paralyzed at the ferocity of his attacker. 

Natsu throws a fierce punch to Rogue's nose, the bone cracking underneath his tan fingers. The ravenette moans in agony as blood gushes down his chin, spilling onto his white shirt. 

"You," he growls, standing back and casting a long, ominous shadow over his target. Rogue's red eyes glow as he looks up to Natsu's blazing ones. "are going to leave, and never come back. You will never set a foot in Fairy Tail territory ever again, especially this house. You will never say another word to (y/n). And if you do, I will find you, and I will kill you." 

The atmosphere drops by several degrees as those last words escape Natsu's mouth. 

The re-incarnation of fire in human form, Rogue thinks. 

"You Sabertooth are scum. And we will never forgive you for what you have done to us and others," the pinkette says, in a strange state of calm and control. "now leave." 

Rogue plants his hands on the floor,  pulling himself up. 

Natsu doesn't move as he limps towards the door. His shoulder leans on the doorway as he speaks his last words to Natsu Dragneel. At least, that's what he thinks. 

"We intend to win this fight. Do not forget that." 


ugh sorry about the lack of  updates im  working  on regaining inspiration for this story cuz the timeline is messed up

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