Chapter 12: Home/Studio Visit

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"Watching you record was an amazing experience I will never forget..."


Today I was sent home from the hospital. I had to admit it felt weird being here and not being sick anymore. I thought about all the time I had spent inside my house sick and just generally unwell and was glad I didn't have to worry about that anymore. Unfortunately there was a chance the cancer could come back or show up somewhere else. Right now, I was just trying to live in the moment.

Marshall had been back to visit me a few times. He didn't kiss me again. I think it was because he didn't know how my mom would react. We honestly didn't even discuss it again. But I planned to do that whenever I saw him.

I was in my room unpacking my stuff from the hospital when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Abby. How's it going?" it was Marshall.

"Good. I'm just getting home and getting settled. What about you?"

"I'm good. I'm glad your home. I just wanted to find out if you were still up for that studio visit we talked about the other day?"

"Yeah, that sounds great actually. When did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was hoping tomorrow. I'm gonna be recording a new song I just wrote. I'd love for you to hear it."

"Okay. That sounds great. Plus it gives me the day to rest and do some chores." He asked me to come around noon then we hung up. Right after, as if she were listening, mom stuck her head in the door.

"Hey, Abby. You're going out today?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, mom. Tomorrow. Marshall just extended the invite to his studio. He's gonna text me the address." I resumed unpacking the clothes I never wore from my bag and putting them in my dresser.

"Okay. Good. I don't want you going out today. Let's get some dinner and we can watch your favorite movie." I hurried up to finish packing so I could join her.


I woke up way too early today. I spent all night sitting up with mom talking about how I thought today was going to go. He said he was going to be recording a new song and he wanted me to hear it. I couldn't help but wonder what that meant. Or what the song could be about.

I got dressed, but not without changing 4 times. I sent Marshall a text and let him know I was on my way and said goodbye to mom. "Don't do anything too crazy." mom said. I don't know what she thought I would be doing. But I didn't think going to listen to a song or 2 would get crazy.

When I pulled up I was happy to see Marshall standing outside. He was as trim as I had ever seen him and I was surprised he got that way so fast. It was the first time I could say I ever found him hot. He met me at my car and took my hand as I got out.

"I'm happy to see you out and about." he said. He kissed me on the cheek, but it didn't feel like our first kiss did at all.

"I'm happy to be out and about." I said back. We went into the plain looking building and were met inside the makeshift lobby by 3 men.

"Abby," Marshall began, "I'd like you to meet Paul, my manager, Denaun my best friend and producer, and Dre my-"

"I know who Dr. Dre is!" I nearly shouted. Paul and Denaun both chuckled and Dre extended his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Abby." Dre said. He had a firm handshake too.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you!" I said, I couldn't believe I was meeting THE Dr. Dre. I felt my face turn red when I realized I had totally forgotten the other 2 people Marshall had introduced me to.

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