Chapter 3: The Phone Call

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Over the next few days I continued to text Marshall. He was always super quick to respond and seemed eager to hear about my day or just talk. He seemed kind of lonely if I was being honest. Although I was not trying to get attached to anyone at this point in my illness, I found myself wondering why someone who was so charismatic was so lonely.

I had just come in from running a few errands for mom when my phone dinged. It was Marshall who seemed so comfortable with me he was now texting me first. I wasn't sure I liked this, but I decided to bite the bait.

"Hey Abby." 

Marshall kept it simple which I liked. He wasn't putting on airs or pretending to be more interested in me than he actually was. We had light conversations and when I had enough I wouldn't answer him anymore.

"Hey Marshall." I put my phone down and walked maybe ten feet away to start putting the groceries away I had brought home when my phone rang. This just had to be a coincidence because there was no way this man was calling me. We had barely known each other a week and were only texting. But as I got closer I saw his name come up on my screen and I knew I was wrong. I guess I better answer it.

"What is so important you couldn't wait to tell me when you 'accidentally' bump into me at the doctor's office tomorrow?"

"You didn't actually believe I was going up in that hell hole just for you did you?" he replied without thinking. He was quick and sarcastic, which was a must when dealing with me.

"Well kind of. Color me disappointed." I replied, rolling my eyes. 

"Nahh, actually I had a question for you. If you're not too busy." I stopped unpacking the grocery bag I was currently holding and leaned against the counter to brace myself for what I figured was coming.

"Alright. Shoot." I tried to sound calm and cool, but I was a little worried about what was coming next.

Marshall cleared his throat, then he said "Um, well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over one day next week? Maybe we could watch a movie together or something?"

I was afraid of this. I thought he was just looking to be friends. I didn't think he was wanting to date me. I can't date anyone. But I also haven't told him I have cancer. So Im unsure how to proceed.

"Abby? You still there?" he asked softly. I think he was feeling a littl defeated in my lack of enthuasim in responding to his question.

"Yeah, Marshall, I'm here. And I don't know. I don't think dating is good for me right now."

There was a brief silence. I felt bad and im sure this took some courage on his part, but this was for his own good. There was no way he was strong enough to deal with all that came with being involved with me.

He sighed. "Yeah, I kind of figured." The line went quiet and I had to pull the phone away from my ear to make sure he was even still there. 

"Marshall it's not you I just-"

"Yeah I know. It not me it's you. Ive heard that before. No big deal."

"No. Well, yeah. But..." I trailed off. What was the harm in going to his house for one date? We sit on his couch and watch a movie and then I go home and never talk to him again. He obviously needs the esteem boost, so why not.

"But you know what? Who cares?" I said hoping he was still listening. "When did you have in mind?"

"What?" he asked as if he didn't hear what I said.

"You heard me you asshole. I said when did you have in mind?"

"Asshole? Ha! You haven't seen asshole yet. Tomorrow. After 6 because I got some work to do and I should be back by then.

"Okay. Is there anything I need to know?" I asked, not sure what he would say.

"Nah. I'll see you then Abby."

I hung up the phone and as I continued putting the groceries away I wondered what in the actual fuck I got myself into.

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