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Chapter 22- Jealousy 

Harry's POV

I wake up in a cold sweat. I swivel to glance at the clock on my bedside table. 

4:30 am.

I could barely sleep, the events of yesterday replaying in mind continuously. I felt like I was barely present during dinner that night. While the rest of the lads had animated conversation and discussed how in love they were, I just sat back and remained in my own world. A world where I'm not the only one alone. 

I went to bed early, sick of their mushy, fluffy stories about kisses and rainbows. I was tossing and turning all night, unable to shake the memory of Louis, looking like a perfect angel, muttering my name in his sleep. 

My name. Not his oh-so-perfect boyfriend. My name. 

Why that matters so much to me, I have no idea. I lay my head back down on my sweat soaked pillow in an attempt to fall back asleep. I just lay on my back, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. Why the hell does everything Louis does lately matter so much to me? Just a month ago I was rejecting him harshly and running away from him any chance I got! But now that there is no way I could have him, I want him back. Not sexually or anything, but I admit listening to Niall and Louis have sex I couldn't help but think about how I could make Louis make those noises and so much more...

No! I'm not gay.

Who are you kidding? You love him.

No, I just miss my best friend. I want him back.

Yea, you want him under you, moaning your name.

Nonononononononono! I can't- I don't-

Just admit it already! You're in love with him. You always have been.

I shake my head to get rid of my internal argument. I think I'm going insane. I get up off of the my bed, unraveling myself from my tangled sheets, and I walk into the bathroom. I immediately know something is wrong.

Maybe it's the overflowing sink, or the pipes about to burst, but something tells me I should call-

"LIAM! MY BATHROOM IS FUCKED UP! HELP!" I yell out before remembering it's not even five in the morning. Oh, screw it the damage is done.

"LEEEEEYYYYUUUUUMM!" I call out as loudly as I can. I hear shuffling, cursing, and finally a disgruntled looking Liam bursts through my door. A murderous rage in his eyes.

"Harry, I swear to cupcakes, if this isn't important-" He begins.

"My bathroom flooded. Help." I whine at him. He sighs deeply and chooses not to respond. He goes into the bathroom to fix it with his Liam magic.


It hits me at about quarter to six. 

Today is the interview. The dreaded, terrible, sad end to our life in this beautiful house in the Hamptons. 

As much as I want to get away from Louis and Niall, I am honestly saddend that this trip will come to an end.

I walk down the stairs, I'm all dressed and ready for the interview, and what do I walk in on?

The most stomach churning, terrible sight my poor innocent eyes have ever witnessed. 

Niall and Louis making out on the couch. GIGGLING WITH EACH OTHER. 

Are you kidding me? Niall is on top of Louis, nibbling on his earlobe and jamming his tongue down his throat while Louis smiles and squeezes Niall's- Oh lord. I can't even say it. 

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