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Chapter 17- Let's Keep a Secret

Niall's POV

I heard Louis and Harry arguing upstairs. I don't want to cause anymore problems, so I just wait in the kitchen and listen to what I can. I hear Louis walk down the stairs grumbling to himself and I literally jump out of my seat at the table to run up to him. I wrap my arms around him.

"Are you okay? I heard fighting..." I whisper in his ear.

"Yeah I'm fine..." He says clearly wanting me to stop asking. I don't pry any further and I release him from my grip. 

"Louis if you want to talk, I'm here." I say smiling. He doesn't seem to hear me though. He just looks down at the floor and mumbles little things to himself. Suddenly he seems to realizes I'm standing there and his head snaps up to look at me with wide eyes. 

"What are we?" He asks me suddenly.

"What?" I ask him. What did he mean?

"Well.. relationship wise. What are we? I mean I know you're my boyfriend, but are we going to -ya know- come out?" He asks. HIs question sinks in and I honestly don't know how to answer him. I have been so wrapped up in how happy I am with him that I didn't even think about coming out or the complicated stuff. I look down at my feet and ponder this. If we came out, would people accept us? Would the fans? Our families? What about the band? How would having four gay members effect the fanbase and management? Of course I would love to be able to be with Louis with no shame but it;s more complicated than that. When I finally look back up at Louis his head is bowed in contemplation and his hands are stuffed in his pockets.

"Lou?" I ask. He snaps out of his daze and his eyes focus on me again.

"I mean I want to come out but... don't you think it's too soon? I kind of like the idea of it being our little secret for a while..." I finally answer him. When I finish I see a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"I'd like that too." He says, now full on grinning. He steps forward and wraps his arms around me. I hug him back tightly and plant a chaste kiss on his perfect lips. Just as I pull away his hand snakes around my neck and holds me in place. "Where do you think you're going?" He whispers against my lips causing me to chuckle lightly and press my lips to his again. OUr lips move together in perfect sync, dancing together. We stay like that until I have to pull away for air.

He whimpers in disappointment causing me to chuckle lightly. He smiles at me, one of those beautiful breathtaking smiles that honestly makes me gasp. I grin back at him and just stare into his eyes. His beautiful, crystal blue eyes... I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I swear we jump away from each other so fast I didn't know it was possible. I literally sprint back into my seat, compose myself, and continue eating as if nothing had ever happened. Just in time too because not a second later Harry comes sauntering into the room, unusually cheery, and sits across form me. He is whistling to himself now, actually whistling! He hasn't down that since before he left! What is going on....

Just before he sits down he sends Louis a sly smile which Louis returns. What is happening with them?

Whatever it is, I will find out.

Harry's POV

After Louis leaves my room I fall back onto m bed exasperated. Did I really just pick a fight with Louis about how he doesn't care? Yeah I'm one to talk!

Well at least he will give me a chance... Oh who am I kidding I can't believe he's actually giving me a chance! For as long as I've known Louis he still surprises me with how much of a good person he is. I'm not sure why, maybe it's my new found hope, but I am suddenly in a really good mood. I take a deep breath, get up off my bed and walk out of my room and into the hallway. Just as I reach the staircase I hear voices. 

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