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CHAPTER 11- Return

Louis's POV

From the second I woke up, I knew something was wrong. I could feel the tension when I walked into the kitchen to have my breakfast. Something is just strange... then I saw why.




He was just standing there is the kitchen, like nothing had ever happened. Like he hadn't broken my heart and stomped on the pieces.

"Louis, can I please talk to you?" Harry says. He looks at me with those beautful green eyes, full of guilt, and I can't say no. I nod my head and he walks towards the porch. I follow him out into the cold morning air, the tension between us is tangable.

"Lou, I was wrong. I'm so sorry I left you. It was terrible and I wouldn't blame you if you never want to see me again.I fucked up big time. I was just nervous and surprised and stupid. You needed me and I left you. I abandoned you like the idiotic prick that I am. I'm beyond sorry that I ever hurt you. It physically hurts me to think that I am the reason you were hurting.  I'm begging you for forgiveness. Please Louis. Please. Can you find it in your heart to ever forgive me?"

I know i have to forgive him eventually. He is my bandmate and we were best mates. I just dont want to forgive him fully. I will keep up some walls, and keep my distance. But I know if I don't forgive him now, he will only get more persistent. And.... okay I still care about him and I hate seeing him so broken. 

"Okay. I forgive you. BUT. I still don't really trust you." I say.

He looks at the ground, then at me, as if contemplating. I know this look.

"It's okay you can hug me." I say with a smile. He grins broadly then smothers me with a big bear hug. I can hardly breath but I don't care. He smells so good, and I missed his arms around me. It feels so right. But I can't let myslef get hurt again. I pull away from him and he gives me a frown. I ignore it and stand up and walk away. Please let Niall still be in his room, I need to talk to someone.

Niall's POV

I wake up and saw that Louis isn't here. No surprise, he's probably eating breakfast. I sit up in bed to find a crying Louis sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Lou, oh my god are you okay?" I say. Of course he's not okay, he's crying. I mentally slap myself. Stupid.

"Ha-Harry Is he-here." He stutters out. HARRY IS HERE?

"WHAT?!" I bolt upright and run out of my room. I stomp down that stairs, loudly. I speed into the kitchen, and sure enough, there he is.

"Niall! Oh I missed you so mu-" POW! He's cut off by my fist connecting with his jaw. He staggers back holding his face. He sits on the table behind him and it's all I can do not to punch him again.

"What the fuck?" He asks.

"You inconsiderate, stupid, FUCKED UP PRICK! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO LOUIS? ARE YOU HEARTLESS?" I''m just so damn mad. It's all coming back now. The second I saw his face I just couldn't contain my anger anymore.

"Look Niall, I'm so-" SMACK! Cut off again by my fist hitting his gut. He staggers back again.


"You deserve it. Don't talk to me again. Louis will forgive you, but I don't think I can." I say coldly. And it's true. Louis will definatly forgive him. He loves him. But I love Louis, and Harry hurt him. Badly. Harry can never understand how awful it is to look at the person you love most breaking before your eyes. I know why Louis can forgive him. It's not only because he still loves him. It's because he's broken. I realized it yesterday, when we were laying my bed together. He made a harmelss comment about the weather and that's when I saw it. The glint of happiness, of life, is missing from his eyes. It hasn't been there in a while, but I was too in denial to see it at first. His heart is shattered and his spirit is broken. Harry did that. Louis let himslef love, really love, for the first time, and he was torn apart. I can't stand to speak to the person who could guiltlessly break the one I love.

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