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Hey guise:) If you like the story please comment, vote, whatevah! looove yoouuu<3 -Katee


Louis's POV 

"Harry I love you." I say slowly. He just stares at me for a moment. Then he looks down, then at me. His unreadable expression turns to complete fury. His gorgeous green orbs transform in to dark black pits. He stands up and pushes me off of my seat onto the concrete floor. 

"Love me? You're disgusting! You foolish, idiotic, piece of trash! Do you think I could love you? I'm better than you. Your worthless. Get out my sight before I KICK YOU OUT!" he spits at me. I want to leave. To run away and hide but I can't move.I'm frozen. Then he  charges toward my weak body on the ground and kicks my side. "You're just a gross faggot. Get away from me." he says calmly. Fury hidden underneath his suddenly calm demeanor. Then he stalks off leaving me lying on the floor, stunned, tears prickling my eyes..... 

I call out to him, but the only sound I hear is the wind. I start to sob, then I  open my eyes and see Liam, Niall, and Zayn standing over me.

"H-Harry-" I begin but I am interupted.

"Saw you for the scum you are? Yeah we know." Zayn says harshly. The he kicks me in the same spot Harry had. 

"You're worthless." Niall says, then he kicks me in the same spot again and again and again. Liam stands silent but he starts kicking me too, then they are all kicking me and I'm crying out in pain. I shut my eyes and hope for death.


I wake with a start. That was a dream. Just a dream. But it wasn't just a dream.... It is my worst fear. That Harry will hate me if I tell him my feelings... That he will never want to see me again and our relationship will be ruined. I rub my eyes tiredly and get out of bed. I thought I had gotton over this. I hadn't... I fear that everyone will reject me, not just Harry. I jump into the shower and try to scrub off that awful nightmare from my being. I let the cold water hit me until I fully wake up. When I get dressed and go downstairs I find out that its actually only 6:30 in the morning. The lads won't be up for a while. I would like to go back to sleep.... But I know if I do my nightmare will find me and I can't do that. I sit in the kitchen for about a half hour until I hear footsteps on the stairs. I keep my head on the table so maybe whoever walked in will ignore me. I feel a hand on my neck and by the tingles that the touch sends through me, I know it's him. 

"Well you're up early Boobear." he says sweetly, but with a hint of caution. I haven't spoken to Harry since I blew up yesterday. 

I look up at him and instantly wish I hadn't. He is dressed only in his boxers, his hair is messy from sleep and his cheeks are slightly flushed. He radiates warmth. I can see his green eyes are slightly glassy from tiredness and his perfect lips and pinker than usual. Overall he is simply an image if perfection. I notice I've been staring and look down quickly. He sits across from me and begins to eat some cereal. 

"So Lou... How's it going? Are you okay?" he says with genuine concern.

"I'm fine Harry." I say quietly.

"Oh well... Are you mad at me boo? After what happened yesterday..." 

"Yesterday, there was a lot on my mind. I'm fine now, really. I'm sorry for my explosion..." I say. I feel so bad...

"It's okay. Sometimes we all just break a little and need recovery time." He smiles and I smile back. I will tell him. Tonight. I have to.

"Um Harry-" I begin but I am interupted.

"Good Morning lads!" Liam. 

"Hey Li, can we talk for a sec?" I ask.

"Sure." We leave Harry in the kitchen and go up to Liam's room.

"I'm going to do it tonight. Could you get the lads out of the house?" I ask.

"Thats great Lou! I' so proud. Yes I can do that! What time?"

"How about from, I don't know 4-8? I have no idea how long this could take."

"Okay I'll go work on where to take them." Liam says and he leaves to go back into the kitchen. Tongiht. I will do it tonight. 

I walk back downstairs and see that Niall and Zayn are awake as well. I go and sit back across from Harry.

"So lads! Whats the plan fro today?" Niall asks us. 

"Well, I have this 3 on 3 basketball game with some mates today, but I need two people for my team, Niall, Zayn? Will you guys be my super teammates!"

Wow Liam is good. I smile into my ceral and pretend not to hear them.

"What about Harry and Louis? Maybe they want to play?" Niall asks. It's all I can do not to punch him, when Harry pipes up.

"Lou and I already have plans today, you guys go have fun." He says smiling. I shoot him a questioning look but he just gives me an I -will-explain-later look. I nod and return to my Cheerios.

Niall looks slightly disappointed, but he doesn't say anything. Liam and Zayn go up to get ready for this so called 'basketball game'. Niall lingers for a little, then joins them. I look at Harry expectantly.

"I didn't want to ruin their fun, Liam obviously didn't invite us and I didn't want to make a big deal."He shrugs. I smile and nod at him. I then realize I ate all of my cereal and I go to put it away. When I turn back around I hear laughter from the living room and see Liam holding Zayns cell phoen in the air, out of his reach. 

"Give it back Liam!" Zayn whines. Niall is crumpled on the floor laughing. He looks adorable with tears literally pouring out of his blue eyes from laughter. I smile and shake my head.

"What? You need to talk to your girlfriend? You can have it back- IF you let us meet her." He states causing Zayn to groan loudly. 

"Fine. GIVE IT!" Liam hands Zayn the phone and I go upstairs. I need to plan out my night... tonight is the night.

Liam's POV

So, when should I mention there is no really basketball game? I'm thinking we can wander around for a few hours, get dinner and by then it will be time to come home. I can just say some made up adress in Jersey and then pretend it got canceled. Good plan. 

I look at the clock, 3:30. After I gave Zayn his phone back we all watched a movie. Harry got tired and went to take a nap, and I haven't seen Louis since this morning. He went upstairs a while ago...

I'm really happy for him. He needs to just get those feelngs out in the open! It's awful to say this, but, the sooner he tells Harry the sooner Niall can either 1. get over Louis, or 2. get Louis. Either way is good for Niall. If Harry rejects him, Louis will probably end up closer to Niall, not his boyfriend or anything, but Niall thinks of Harry as a distraction and with him not as close to Lou, Niall will be happy. But if Harry returns his feelings... Niall would be in pain. He would eventually get over him though, and that is good for him. Stop crying over someone you can't have. It's too painful, I hate to see Niall cry. It physically hurts me. Sometimes it's all I can do not to punch Louis ofr hurtin Ni all of the time, but alas, he is oblivious. 4:00 time to go.

"Niall! Zayn! LETS GO!" 

Louis's POV

This is it. Zayn, Niall, and Liam are out of the house. I hear Harry watching TV downstairs so I go to join him. I walk up to him and sit down next to him. He turns to me and says, "So what do you want to do?" You. I want to say, but I hold my tounge. 

"Actually, I need to talk to you about something...."

Here it goes.

DUN DUN DUN! Brave little Louis:) 

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