Broken, Abused and Loved

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Demetri was gone shopping today, so he invited Ben over while he was gone. Just in case Eric decided to show up. I wasn't ready to go out of the house yet.. although i did miss my willow tree..

Ben is watching tv, while i am sitting at the table watching him.. and occasionally the tv.

"So, Violet," Eric said, during a commercial. "Is there a reason your staring at me?"

I feel my face turn red. "Just thinking your different. And why you are."

I hear him smirk and he turns to look at me out of his good eye. I haven't seen his other eye yet.

"I am me. I'm not going to change who i am because other people wouldn't like me. Besides, isn't it refreshing to know someone who tells you what they think up front instead of not saying it aloud at all?" He cocks his head at me.

I nod. "I guess so. I don't talk to alot of people.. Demetri doesn't always tell me what he's thinking.."

"He has reasons not to. Your delicate. You could break any second with a single word. You may not realize it, but what would you do if Demetri said one wrong thing that hurt your feelings, or he didn't say the right thing?" He looked so serious when he said this.

I thought about it. What would i do if Demetri was the one that said all this to me instead of Ben? I probably.. would be hiding in my room... afraid that he would think worse of me.. or i wouldn't have left Eric at all..

"I probably wouldn't hav left at all.." I say quietly.

"You see." He shrugs a shoulder at me. "Demetri cares for you, Violet. Alot. Never doubt it. I don't know how you could doubt it anyways. He follows you like a little lost puppy. Making sure your perfect. Blech. I couldn't handle it." He shivers. Of course, i should be offended by this. But i am not. It was so Ben.

I stand and go to the kitchen. I look at the calendar and realize that i get my stitches out of my arms tomorrow.. It's been atleast six weeks since i have left Eric's house. Yes, i still haven't found the courage in that amount of time to leave this house. Don't get me wrong.. i'll take a walk every now and then or go sit outside and watch the river, but other than that, i haven't been to a store or the park since i left..

I realize Ben is standing behind me in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against it with his arms crossed over his chest, watching me while i am deep in thought.

"Ya know, Ben. I think i will be safe in the kitchen.. after all, theses aren't self-inflicted wounds." I waggle my arms in front of him.

"No. Their not. But still. Your a curious creature to me. I still don't understand how you could stay there. If something is causing you more pain than pleasure, why keep it? It's unfathomable to me." He shrugs. "I understand that you loved him, and yes, maybe you did try to leave, but why didn't you try harder? Where is your family? I seem nosy, huh.." He chuckles.

"Well, Ben, when i feel comfortable enough, maybe i will explain it to you. Until then, try to figure it out for yourself." I gave him a crooked smile. Inside, it was turmoil. He was right on so many different levels. If anything, he is the curious creature. To me, anyways. I can understand why Demetri likes him so much though. He is an incredible person. "So, are you attached to anyone?" I ask, to change the subject.

As i asked, his eyes grew tender. "Yes, i am, actually. Unrequited Love." He turned his head away to hide his eyes.

"You want to talk about it?" I ask, gently.

"When you want to talk to me about you, then i will explain about me." He grinned at me, but it didn't reach his eyes. This girl was hurting him, whoever she was. I found myself very interested in it. Maybe i will ask Demetri later.

Speak of the devil, i hear the door open. I feel my a shadow lift from my face, as if i wasn't aware it was there. I shoved past ben, and ran toward the door.

Demetri was standing there with lots of bags. He seen me, and set them on the floor and stepped forward. I couldn't help myself.

I lainched into his arms and he lifted me swinging me in a circle and chuckling into my neck. "I could get used to this welcome." He whispered against the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I closed my eyes and smiled. I could get used to this too.

I heard a low chuckle behind me, and Demetri set me down. I stepped back so he could carry the bags to the kitchen.

"So, did you two get along okay today?" He asked us.

I smiled and looked at Ben. He smiled back.

"I may have made another ally." I told Demetri. He poked his head around the corner and smiled at me.

"Good. I was hoping you would like him." He winked at me.

"Ha! Who couldn't like me? I'm irresistable." He ran his fingers through his hair, avoiding the head wrap.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked Ben, timidly.

"Sure. Only if you can keep the PDA to a minimum." He walked over to me, and chucked me under the chin. I jerked away.

"Sorry. I forget.." He trailed off.

"It's ok.." I whispered and started walking to Demetri in the kitchen.

He looked at me, and asked "Are you ok?" He took a step closer to me.

I nodded, but kept silent. He turned and kept putting things away. Maybe i shouldn't have invited him..

"I invited Ben for dinner.." I trailed off to Demetri.

"I heard." I seen a ghost of a smile on his lips. "It's fine. I'm sure he'll behave himself."

I tapped my foot nervously. I hoped so.

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