Broken, Abused and Loved

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I was lying in the hospital bed, watching tv, when the door burt open, and Eric was standing there. He looked very, very angry. I shrank back into my pillows and pulled the cover up. He came stomping over to me, and grabbed a fistful of my hair, and yanked me up. "Don't think you can hide from me," he snarled in my face. He reached his arm back, his hand balled in a fist. He suddenly came flying at me..

My eyes snapped open, the monitor going crazy from my frantic heartbeat. I wiped the tears off my face. Only a dream.. nightmare to be exact. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, my ribs aching from it.

The doctor walked in while i was doing my exercise to calm down.

"Hello, Ms. Violet Adams. My name is Dr. Benjamin Carter. You can call me Dr. Carter. How are you feeling?" He says, nicely.

"Um.. i've been better i guess. What is exactly is wrong with me to keep me here so long?" I ask, curiously.

"Well, you have a concussion, you have a few broken ribs, and a punctured lung. Someone done quite a number on you. Would you mind telling me how you got all your cuts and scars and bruises?" He looks at me with pity and sympathy in his eyes, and i hated it.

"Yes, i do mind. No, i won't tell you. It has nothing to do with you or anyone else, for that matter. And no, they weren't self-inflicted. I just want to get out of here. WHen can i leave?" I ask, angrily.

"Ms. Adams, we really need to know. It's protocol. We can help you.. get you protection."

"No, thank you. I will be fine." I avert my eyes from him. WHere is Demetri? He said he would be here..

"Aslright. I won't pressure you. We will be back to give you more pain meds. You need alot of rest. We might keep you for a while longer. A punctured lung is quite dangerous to your health."

"Yeah, i get that. Coughing blood can be pretty serious." I roll my eyes. I hate doctors. No matter how nice they can be.

He smirks at me and walks out.

I sigh and close my eyes. Ignoring the throb in my ribs and back.

I hear the door open, and i jump, moning at the protest my ribs are making.

"Are you ok?" It was Demetri. He sat next to me in the chair.

"I've been better. I thought you were going to be here when they startede questioning me." I gave him a pouting look. I wasn't mad at him in the slightest. I just wanted to tease him.

"I'm sorry! Did they already start questioning you?" He looked down, i could see the anger dirested at himself.

"No, it's ok. I just wanted to tease you." I smile and run my fingertip of my index finger down his tattoo on his face. "Why do you have this?" I ask.

"Why? Do you like it?" He smiles a crooked smile at me. I nod. "Well, i don't really know. I just... liked it. No story behind it, or anything like that. Just wanted one."

"Well, i like it alot. What other tattoos do you have?"

"Well, i have a full tattoo covering my left side. On the back of my neck is the japanese symbol for love." He looks at me from the corner of his eyes. He looks a little.. frightened? Of my reaction.

"Wow. Can... i see it?" I ask, timidly.

"Sure." He stands and takes his long sleeve shirt off. I gasp. He's... beautiful. It almsot looks like tribal tattoos that match his face. Conering the left side of his chest, side and arm. He flat stomach, with a hint of a six pack. I feel my mouth hanging open.

I snap it shut and look at him. "Wow." I whisper.

He puts his shirt back on and sits back down. "You like?"

"I do." I nod. Wow didn't cover it. He was very good looking. "So, they said it's going to be a while before i can get out of here.. would you stay here with me for tonight?" I look down at my hands and fiddle with my fingers.

"No problem. Just.. let me go grab a change of clothes from my car. I was actually going to ask you if i could stay with you if they weren't going to let you leave."

My stomach growls. "Hmm. Want some food? I can go get you something?"

"Umm. No.. they should be bringing me something soon. Thanks though." I smile at him. "Wanna watch some tv with me?"

"Sure." He starts settling himself in his chair, but i shake my head and wave my hand to him, beckoning him over.

"Sit with me..?"

"Alright." He walks over, and sits on the bed next to me. I scoot over slowly, so i don't hurt my ribs or dislodge all the wires and iv. He leans back against the pillows and starts flipping through the tv channels.

The nurse walks in. "Ok, sweetheart. We got some pain meds for you." She smiles warmly at me and Demetri. "You had another visitor, but we shooed him away. Telling him you were sleeping." I feel as well as hear my heart rate pick up.

"Violet, it's ok. I'm here. I told you, he is not getting in here." He runs his hand through my short hair.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself.

The nurse injects the pain meds in my IV and smiles at me, sadly, and leaves. I feel it instantly and sigh. So much better. I hear Demetri chuckle next to me.

"Don't get addicted now." He chuckles again.

I elbow him in the ribs.

I feel myself starting to fall asleep. "Please don't leave me here alone tonight.." i whisper to Demetri.

"I won't. Go to sleep, i'll be here when you wake up." I feel a light pressure against my head and sigh.

The last thing i remember is leaning my head against Demetri's shoulder and the theme song to That 70's Show.

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