Broken, Abused and Loved

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I am in love with him.

It kept echoing in my head.. the realization of it almost stunned me.. But i couldn't have been happier. I would always love.. Eric. How could i not? Before everything went bad, he was perfect..

What if the same thing happened with Demetri.. What if he turned out to be Eric after a while? I can't go through this again.. No matter how much i feel that Demetri wouldn't do that to me. I thought the same about Eric.

I pulled away from Demetri a bit, and opened my eyes. He was staring at me. His purple eyes had little flecks of green in them. What an odd mixture, i thought. But beautiful, none the less.

I wanted so much to press my lips to his... but i didn't want to lead him in the wrong direction. No matter how much i loved him, i couldn't do this.. not yet. I wasn't ready.

My hotpocket! i grin and jump up, leaving him kneeling in front of the couch and watching me with a crooked smile.

I ran to the kitchen and opened the microwave. Only to find that all the cheese melted out and it was hard as a rock. I heard Demetri walk up behind me. I turned and pouted, looking down at the destroyed hotpocket.

He laughed. I look up at him, mock horror on my face. "Don't laugh! I love these things, and it's destroyed!" This only made him laugh harder. I couldn't help it. I laughed too.

While i was laughing, i realized, this was such a surreal moment. Another good memory. Laughing like i haven't laughed in years. It was blissful.

"Ohhhh," I gasp, holding my side. Demetri chuckles again and takes the plate from me and throws the hotpocket in the trash. He grabs another out of the freezer and pops it in the microwave, on a clean plate. He sticks the dirty one in the sick and runs hot water over it, to loosen the cheese.

"I'm sorry.. i totally forgot about it when.." I trail off, as the memory assaults my mind, making me shiver.

Demetri rushes to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "Don't think about that anymore. Your here with me now. And i won't let anything happen to you. Not anymore." He smiles at me with a gentle look in his eyes.

"What did he mean when he said i wouldn't want to be with someone like you? And that you haven't told me yet?" I blurt out. This confused me and made me very curious. Demetri has a past.. i guess everyone does though..

He turns his face away from mine, suddenly looking sad and a little... frightened?

"Umm.. I used to be.." The ding of the microwave interrupted him.

I jumped over to it, excitedly. I opened the microwave and grabbed the plate, but ended up dropping it. It clattered noisily inside the microwave. "Ouch! I guess it's hot, huh?" I laugh nervously.

Demetri chuckles and reaches for my hands, inspecting them. "Easy, little grasshopper. No need ot be impatient."

I giggle and lightly kick him i the shin. "Ok, how about i take this to the table and you tell me your story while i eat? Don't think i have forgotten in my excitedness over a hotpocket." I wink at him.

He laughs and leads me to the table. "Fine. Eat." I sit down and he sits across from me. "Are you sure you wanna know?" He looks down at the table and fiddles with his fingers.

"Yes, i want to know. You heard me tell Eric that i would accept everything about you, and so i will. I never lie. There's no point it. It only hurts both people." I take a bite of the hotpocket and it scorches my tongue. I breath in and out of my mouth to cool it down.

"Well," he continues looking down. "I used to be.. a street fighter. Like.. underground competitions. Illegally, of course..." he trailed off and looked up at me. I'm sure my expression was shocked.. and a little frightened.. he used to beat people..

I swallow. "You don't have any scars.." I say, quietly.

"No.. I won alot.. I was one of the best. Unbeatable.. But there was an accident.." He laid his head on his forearm on the table. I felt my body stiffen.. Oh, no.. "I was.. a little too into the fight..  and got carried away.. i.. beat him pretty bad.. he had multiple cracks in his skull.. a crushed eye socket.. broken ribs.. He lost his left eye.. I don't know why.. but i couldn't stop. I just wanted to keep going and going and going.. finally.. someone pulled me off him.. he was unconcious, of course. But as soon as i seen what i done, i fell to my knees.. Everyone was staring at me like i was... a monster. And i guess i was, for that little bit. Almost bloodthirsty. After that..  went and seen him in the hospital. He had no hard feelings.. but of course.. i went to jail and spent a while there. I was in the newspapers. "Street fighter almost murders innocent". I was horrified. That's when i quit. I never went back.. i didn't want to be that man again. I didn't want.. to be like that again. When i seen how you were treated.. what could i have done, but watch? He would have made it so much more worse for you. I didn't want to do that to you.." He still kept his head down on the table.

I sat back against in my chair and tried to take it all in. I looked down at my food and stared unseeingly at it.

He almost killed someone.. sure, it would have been an accident.. but still.. can you look over something like that?

I looked up at him, and he was staring at me with such a mixed expression. Fear, love, hate.. and sadness.

I got up and went over to him, cradling his head to my chest.

"It's ok," I whisper. "I'll accept everything about you." I bury my face in his red hair, i run my hand down the back of his head, and catch his long red ponytail in my hand, and let it run through my fingers over and over again. I feel his body relax against mine, and he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me tighter, fisting my shirt in his hands.

"Thank you," he whispers against my chest. "I was so scared that if you found out, you wouldn't stay with me.. you would run from me."

I smirk in his hair. "I don't think you could be rid of me so easily, Mr. James."

He lifts his head and looks at me, i run my fingertips over his lips. How i wanted to kiss him. And so i did. My love and sympathy for him urged me to.

I placed my hands on the sides of his face, and ran my eyes from his eyes to his lips. His eyes widened as i leaned closer. I closed my eyes, and very lightly brushed my lips across his. I gasp at the feeling of his lips. So soft and warm. I brush across them again, and fist my fingers in his hair.

This time, i press my lips totally against his, and kiss him. He pulls me tighter to him and i back up a little, giving him a little eskimo kiss. "How could i not feel something for you?" I whisper against his lips. I hear his breath catch, and he presses his lips to mine again, lightly running his tongue across my bottom lip, and lightly nipping it. I part my lips and sigh. He takes advantage and presses his tongue against mine.

I break off, gasping. "A little too much, a little to soon."

He looks at me, dazed. "I'm sorry.." I shake my head at him.

"It was perfect." I run my fingertips across his lips, moist from my own. "I wouldn't mind doing it again..." He smiles at me, a warm and gentle look in his eyes.

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