Broken, Abused and Loved

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I was sitting under the willow tree, waiting for her to arrive. I wanted nothing more than to touch her beautiful face, or to even hold her hand.

I looked up to see her walking toward me, her hood still up like it always was.

Her hair really wasn't that bad looking. A little boyish.

She walked to me and sat down next to me.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hello." She whispers back. SHe tilts her head back, and i see a tear running down her face. I reach out to wipe it away, but stop as she flinches. She wipes her face quietly. My hand drops.

"So, how was your day today?" I ask.

"It was ok, i guess. A little confusing." I see her eyebrows draw together in confusion. I could sit here and watch her all day.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Um.. maybe later.." SHe turns her face so her hood hides her face. I sigh.

"Ok. Violet.. I will earn your trust one day." I smile, even though she's not looking at me.

"I'm sure you will.. your so happy all the time, that it affects me. It makes me want to be happy."

My eyes get wide at her confession. Maybe she has already begun to trust me.

I take a deep breath. "I wish you would leave him.."

She turns her head quickly to look at me, astonishment in her eyes.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because i could make you happy."

"You don't even know me.."

"I know you well enough to want to make you happy." I cock my head to the side at her. Looking at her longingly.

"But I am so scared to be touched. All i know is.. hurt."

"I don't have to touch you.. just be close to you.." I think for a second. I turn to face her, sitting indian style. "Sit the way i am in front of me.." She looks at me, warily. "Please?"

She reluctantly turns to face me, mirroring my image.

"Bring your hands up, palms out."

She does it. So, i stare into her eyes, and slowly bring my hads up, palms out to face hers. I bring them so close to hers, not touching but feeling the warmth of her hands. I hear her breathe catch. She slowly closes her eyes and tilts her head to the side.

"You see.." I whisper. "We don't have to touch.." I let all my emotions flow down into my palms. "Watch me Violet.."

She opens her eyes and watches me. I slowly reach toward her face, i bring my hand close to her face, not touching. I run my hand along her cheek, still not touching. But her head tilts that way, my hand following the motion. Her eyes, still staring into mine, i bring my hand around and run my fingertips along her lips, still not touching. Her mouth opens slightly, her breath against my fingertips. I back up, wanting to touch her more than anything.

"Please... don't... " She leans forward, as if she is going to touch me. But she doesn't. She mimics the moves i done her, except when she gets to my face, i lean my face into her palm. My eyes still staring into hers. I rub my cheek against her hand.

"It's not so bad, is it?" I ask, quietly.

"No.. no, not at all." She smiles the tiniest bit. "I believe you could make me very happy.."

My heart jumps at her confession.

"But?" I ask.. my heart pounding my chest.

"But.. Eric.." Her hand drops away, falling into her lap.

I reach my hand out to her. She glances up at me, then at my hand. She slowly lays her hand along mine, her fingertips barely reaching the palm of my hand. I don't move. I hold her hand up, letting her rest it on it. If i move, i think she will jerk away.

"Talk to me, please.. you know you can.."

"Eric.. was actually nice to me.. he didn't hurt me.. maybe.. he will change. For me."

"I will not make you choose between us, Violet. But know.. i will make you happier than he ever will. I would never lay a hand on you in anger."

"I know you wouldn't, Demetri. But.. i do love him.. still. I don't know if i can leave him."

"Well, i will be here. Everyday. Waiting for you." I slowly slide my hand out from under hers. Instantly missing the warmth.

She stood up, and walked briskly away from me. I watched her go. Sadness in my heart.

As i said, i will be here. Everyday. For her..


The hands barely touching.. I dreamed that between these two. I have been waiting to write it. Let me know what you think..

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