Broken, Abused and Loved

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Demetri POV

I watch as she walks away, a sadness in my heart. I have seen this so many times..

The woman loves the man.. even though he is so abusive to her. I just don't understand it. How can a woman still love a man, no matter how he treats her?

I am one of those men.. who wishes he had a woman with that kind of dedication. I could be so much better for her. I've been watching her, just as she watches me.

Your probably wondering why i did nothing to stop "Eric" from treating her that way, under this same tree, the other day.

How could i? Do you think that would have won me over in her book? Her savior?

Most women don't want to be saved. Sometimes that's the only thing they know or understand. Anything different, they are scared.

I sigh. I could save her..

I want to.

But i am no special guy. I'm no super hero, vampire, werewolf. I am an ordinary man that has made some stupid decisions along with every other male out there. I have loved and lost. And i am man enough to admit i am wrong and that i have lost.

I'm in a band. Lead guitarist. I like to read. Watch TV. I told you, i am an ordinary man. Wishing for a love that can last through eternity. Sound cheesy? I don't care. I want it.

I look down at the book i am reading and don't really see the words.

I see her tortured face, her poor short hair..

I put my hand over my eyes. It hurts to think what has been done to her. She deserves love. I can see that. This has been going on with her for too long.

I've been coming to this park for a long time now, and she's always there, under the willow tree.

Next time, maybe i can convince her..


Demetri -> yes, anime characters

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